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Old 09-10-2004, 07:08 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Meriden, CT
Distribution: Ubuntu/Mepis/DreamLinux/Xandros
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Configuring Pioneer DVR-108

I am running Mandrake 10 and have recently bought a new DVD burner (Pioneer DVR-108). It is an internal IDE model, but I put it in an external case so I could also use it with my wife's WinME laptop.

Two questions:

One - I installed a Firewire card in order to interface with the DVD burner (as well as my video camera) but apparently it doesn't work. It is obviously there, but I can't access anything through it.

Two - The DVD burner won't work, either through the firewire interface (see above) or the USB 2.0 port. When connected via UBS, the computer detects a CD-burner, but I can't get a CD-Rom to mount. The harddrake entry indicates "module unknown" for the drive.

I appreciate any help with this that you can offer.

Thanks so much.
Old 10-07-2004, 10:43 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: Riverside, CA
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Ever get it working?

Did you ever get the Pioneer DVR-108 working? I saw some of your posts on other boards but no responses. I also have the DVR-108 with Suse 9.1 (pro) and can't get anything to work. Suse didn't see it and it doesn't show up as HDC like most others. I even tried to boot off the install DVD to do a reinstall and that failed. It starts up an install and then says something to the effect of "can't find install DVD". It looks like its dead in teh water. Let me know if you ever heard anything back on this or got it working yourself.


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