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Old 11-04-2004, 01:18 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Near Lansing, MI , USA
Distribution: Mainly just Mandriva these days.
Posts: 317

Rep: Reputation: 30
Can't Play Games in Mandrake 10.1

***** Newbie Alert *****
If this strikes fear into your heart, feel free to take this opportunity to run for cover.

%%Sorry if this was already posted, when I tried posting it before it spat me out and didn't look like it worked.
I just installed Mandrake 10.1 Community Edition less than a week ago.

One of the user accounts can't use the little games that come with the distro like Super Tux, the Snood knock off, etc. When I try to start them it:
1. Loads up the first screen of the game for about a second then just exits on its own.
2. Doesn't do anything that I can see except slow down for a moment.
This seems weird because the other user account and root both seem to be able to use these programs with no problem. The easiest solution would probably be to delete the account then recreate it (or i could just leave it the way it is, i'm not particularly attached to those games), but I'd kind of like to learn what is going on since I'm new to it. Sorry that I can't give anymore description, I really can't think of anything that I did different between that account and others.

Other issues I'm having if anyone would like to help:

No sound when listening to a CD. I have sound everywhere else, just not from a music CD. This seems like too much of a pain to fix, but if anyone has any magic ideas... so far people have shown me several different "magic" commands in Linux.

I don't think I understand the whole library dependencies thing. I tried installing an rpm, but it said that I don't have libraries x or y. The only thing is, according to the Mandrake website, I SHOULD have newer versions of these libraries installed. Aren't the libraries backwards compatible or is the rpm just not smart enough to recognize the newer library versions. Last, I wanted to check to make sure those libraries were really on my machine. I tried the file search program (don't remember the name), but it crashed. I had to use control+alt+backspace. How do I find out if I have the libraries installed?

........ Tim .........
Old 11-04-2004, 03:39 AM   #2
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Posts: 846

Rep: Reputation: 30
here's some magic:

open a shell/konsole/terminal and type: alsamixer

then move to the cd bar and push the volume up and voila, u'll have sound coming from your cd.

then as root u can run:

alsactrl store

have fun.
Old 11-08-2004, 12:01 AM   #3
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Near Lansing, MI , USA
Distribution: Mainly just Mandriva these days.
Posts: 317

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Hahahahaha, that's awesome. You thought I just had the volume turned down. I guess I should have specified that I'm a "linux newbie". Never did figure out why one user couldn't execute certain things, but deleting and creating the account again fixed the problem. Figured out how to deal with dependencies a little better on my own. "File Tools>Find Files" still crashes everytime I run it. XKill has become a very good friend of mine now... the applications in Mandrake just seem to be less stable than I'm used to.

The one thing that I'd still like to fix is that I still have no Audio from Audio CDs. KSCD autoruns when I insert an Audio CD, and the tracks seem to be playing in the program, but there isn't any sound. I haven't been able to figure out how to get XMMS or Noatun to play CDs yet either, so I can't tell if it is some problem with how I have the program configured. Could drivers be an issue here? I was also wondering if maybe there could be a problem with the analog audio from the CD drive. Would removing the Audio cable between the CD drive and the motherboard have any chance of helping? It should still be able to play sound... at least it works that way in windows. Everything about CDs in Linux seems a little different when it comes to the whole mounting thing... someday maybe I'll figure out why Data CDs mount but Audio CDs don't.
Old 11-08-2004, 12:04 AM   #4
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 583

Rep: Reputation: 33
On the sound, check the small wire going from the back of the CD to the sound card, windows doesn't neccessarily use this to play audioCDs so you might not have noticed it missing before.

workbone is a good simple CD player to check with.
Old 11-08-2004, 12:10 AM   #5
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: Near Lansing, MI , USA
Distribution: Mainly just Mandriva these days.
Posts: 317

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Rep: Reputation: 30

I was actually wondering if that cable might be the problem too. I made the computer so I know that it's there, but it's probably 5+ years old, so I have no clue if it works or not. If Linux requires that to play CD audio, that might very well be the problem.
Old 11-08-2004, 02:57 AM   #6
Registered: Sep 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 157

Rep: Reputation: 30
Originally posted by ror
On the sound, check the small wire going from the back of the CD to the sound card, windows doesn't neccessarily use this to play audioCDs so you might not have noticed it missing before.

workbone is a good simple CD player to check with.
THats wierd, i can play cd's with out that cable in windoze. I still have no sound in linux
Old 11-08-2004, 03:10 AM   #7
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 583

Rep: Reputation: 33
Originally posted by allforcarrie
THats wierd, i can play cd's with out that cable in windoze. I still have no sound in linux
As I said, windows doesn't neccessarily use this cable for CD audio.
Old 11-08-2004, 03:49 AM   #8
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Windows has digital audio extraction so it does not require the audio cable from the CD-ROm. If sound works everywhere else BUT the CD, then I'm betting my money it's that you donl't have your cd audio cable plugged into your sound card. In linux, you need to have that audio cable plugged directly into your sound card.

As for your video problem, check your video card settings in Mandrake Control Center. Also make sure your monitor is set up correctly. Please start your game in the console so you get an output. Copy and paste the output log into here so we can assess the situation.

As for dependencies, install software via the Mandrake Control Center or URPMI. That will solve all your depency problems.


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