copiued from mandrake club:.
Most probably you have checked your ISOs ,
but if you want to know if you burned your CDs properly , you read the following.
Unfortunatly, you need an existing linux install,
but I tought it would be usefull to post this
Check the integrity of your ISOs with the md5sum:
40c8812dce7b9f8fb0a3b364af62b974 MandrakeLinux-9.2-17-Download-1.i586.iso
e07fe7b1474eb3ba35cac3dfd479777e MandrakeLinux-9.2-18-Download-2.i586.iso
2b6ffc5957533c927f14197ec99a0372 MandrakeLinux-9.2-19-Download-3.i586.iso
If you want to verify if your CDs are burned correctly, see below. Posted by -afunke-
Posted 18-10-2003 at 15:15
Bittorrent checks the downloaded ISO images for errors and corrects them during the download, and you may even check md5sum on the finished download if you wish (and they will usually match what others have reported), but what if the burning process corrupts the image due to some reason...
You may burn the isos using K3B and check the box "Verify Written Data", but not everybody uses K3B or remembers to turn that option on, and sometimes someone else burns the CDs for you and you don't have the original ISO's for checking...
It is possible to check the md5sum on each one of the 3 download edition burned images using the following method (this method it is required in order to limit the checksum to the actual size, in kbytes, of the original iso Image. This is needed because the burning software adds "buffering" bytes in a variable amount depending on the burning method to the end of the image, so that checking the "entire" medium does not result in matching or reproducible md5sums...).
Assuming you are using the first CD-Drive (or CDRW or CD/DVD drive):
For MandrakeLinux-9.2-17-Download-1.i586.iso
Size of the iso image 667620
(Put CD1 on the drive):
dd if=/dev/scd0 count=667620 bs=1024 | md5sum
For MandrakeLinux-9.2-18-Download-2.i586.iso
(Put CD2 on the drive)
dd if=/dev/scd0 count=714646 bs=1024 | md5sum
For MandrakeLinux-9.2-19-Download-3.i586.iso
Put CD3 on the drive, then run:
dd if=/dev/scd0 count=711864 bs=1024 | md5sum
See also an older thread with more details on this method...
[ This message was edited by: afunke on 2003-10-18 15:19 ]
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