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Old 02-16-2004, 04:33 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Vancouver
Distribution: Mandrake
Posts: 18

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Boot stuck at 'Configuring kernel params...'

Sorry about the cross-post (no reply in the newbie list)

ASUS A7A266 - AMD Athlon 1.3 - 256 Mb RAM - ATI All-in-wonder Pro 32Mb (Rage128)
I've been running mdk for the longest time. I tried mdk 10 b2 but seemed to run into other (video related probs????) I will do further testing on another partition.

so I just reinstalled LM9.2 and the boot process gets stuck at 'Configuring Kernel Paramenters' at this point pressing 'Ctrl-C' allows the boot process to carryon with lots of errors (/var not being available, i think). I have faced this problem a couple of times earlier with previous mdk distributions and always ended up doing a re-install.
I really would like to figure out what is going wrong. It seem to be RTC related... just a guess.

Any help, pointers....


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