I´m having problem with configuring ATI proprietary drivers.I downloaded and installed the latest drivers from their site,did everything by the book.When i restarded my computer screen looked like quite awful,gamma settings were...off the scale or something.screen was so bright,that hardly anything could be seen.I´ve tried 4 hours to configure that "xorg.conf"file with fglrxconfig,and manually,no matter what i did,problem remains.and almost every time,when i did some changes to that file,no matter what,system would not even start,but instead there were screen full of error messages.finally i put that old xorg.conf file back,and everything works,except openGL,it looks like my old C64 is trying to run it(Slow).It´s,i suppose,because there is that new driver now.
So,do i have to configure xorg.conf manually completely?
I´m running mandriva 2005LE.Computer: P4 GigaByte 8IPE100-ProG 512MB Radeon 9200.
PS.I needed those proprietary drivers because of tv-out.
PPS. I had done this whole thing before,six months ago,same mandriva,same harware,no problems,but that proprietary driver,this was newer version.I switched back to windoze,after that,but now i´m back to linux,to stay this time