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Old 11-15-2005, 01:57 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2005
Distribution: Arch Linux
Posts: 204

Rep: Reputation: 30
A question about burning video files to dvd.

Is it my computer or does it take like almost a half day to prep/convert/burn a video file to a dvd? I know it depends on the size, but jeez. I can go to work and come back and the process would probably just finish. Anyway, I was given the following directions to prep/convert and burn video files to a dvd.

1. You have to prepare the mpeg
1.1. demux the file (split pictures and sound)
-> I prefer "avidemux" but you can also use "transcode" as a very powerful commandline-tool
2. you have to mplex sound and pictures with a utility
-> I use "kavi2svcd" with the mjpegutilities choosing DVD-format
3. You have to master the DVD for Chapters, Menus etc
-> I use "dvdwizard"
3. Burn the files to the DVD in the proper format
-> I use "k3b" (Projecttype DVD-Video)

Is there an easier way if I don't even want to customize a menu or whatever. I have a bunch of .avi,.mpg hollywood movies I want to convert/copy/burn and give to my dad. I found a linux program called Videotrans that's a commandline/script sort of thing and its ok, but I thought there might be graphical interface that I could better deal with. There is one called tovid, but I got so many dependency issues trying to install that program that I just said, f**k it.
Old 11-15-2005, 06:46 PM   #2
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I've had a lot of luck with Tovid - its very easy to use although of course its not overly fast. To install it on Mandriva you first need to goto and setup all the software sources. Then install mencoder (the tovid package is broken in that it doesn't correctly pull in this dependency) and then install tovid with urpmi (or just double-click it on your desktop). With the sources from easyurpmi it should be able to pull in all the dependencies.

Here's a little howto I wrote for myself:
Re-encoding using tovid:
nice -n 19 tovid -normalize -dvd -pal -full -in "/mnt/share2/multimedia/videos/FamilyGuy/Family Guy - 301 - The Thin White Line.avi" -out "FG301-TheThinWhiteLine"

************Mastering & Burning************

Now, we have to master the DVD image. You’ll need a copy of dvdauthor for this.

Create a basic DVD structure:

Either make a .xml file with something like this:
<vmgm />
<vob file="file1.mpg" />
<vob file="file2mpg" />
<vob file="file3.mpg" />
<vob file="file4.mpg" />
<vob file="file5.mpg" />
<vob file="file6.mpg" />

then do:
$ mkdir DVD
$ dvdauthor -o DVD -x xmlfile.xml
$ dvdauthor -o DVD -T
After going through this you will have a proper DVD structure in the directory called DVD. You can then use k3b to burn it by selecting 'Video DVD' and dragging and dropping the files from your DVD directory into the project. This makes a simple DVD where each file is a chapter and there is no menu or anything like that.

Is it my computer or does it take like almost a half day to prep/convert/burn a video file to a dvd?
Depends what hardware you have but I'd say that's pretty normal.

Last edited by tkedwards; 11-15-2005 at 06:50 PM.
Old 11-16-2005, 01:19 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2005
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Although not native to linux, DVDShrink and DVDDecrypter are the best software tools to decode and shrink a dvd to burn onto a disc. Both work well under wine 0.9. That is if you can find them for download anymore.

If you do find and download DVDDecryptor, do not allow it to autocheck for update. The site was turned over to MacroMedia due to court order. It is rumored that they are compiling IPs requesting update.

Last edited by usaf_sp; 11-16-2005 at 01:20 AM.
Old 11-16-2005, 04:04 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: London, ON, Canada
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FYI dvdshrink now on plf for 2006 rather than using wine
Old 11-16-2005, 05:16 PM   #5
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Yeah this is XDvdshrink ( and its a native Linux application that's completely seperate to the Windows DVDshrink or anything to do w/ WINE. I've had some luck w/ it but there are some disks that it balks on whereas the Windows dvdshrink (run in Windows on the same machine) works fine, YMMV.

The OP was asking about programs to convert individual video files (ie. .avi, .mpg etc.) that are not in mpeg2 format for DVD into DVD movies. This is different to what *dvdshrink does - a pretty much straight copy of a DVD.

Last edited by tkedwards; 11-16-2005 at 05:19 PM.
Old 11-16-2005, 07:30 PM   #6
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Tennessee
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The OP was asking about programs to convert individual video files (ie. .avi, .mpg etc.) that are not in mpeg2 format for DVD into DVD movies. This is different to what *dvdshrink does - a pretty much straight copy of a DVD.
Thank you moderator tkedwards for that reminder. I did not see you answer the poor OPs question either. Try to be less snide next time.

I will correct my previous post to:

In the future when you choose to rip a dvd and burn it consider using DVDShrink and DVDDecryptor. They are much better than anything linux has to offer and they run very well under wine. They are superior as they can defeat Arccos protection. I will leave it at that as the other methods of obtaining movie files might lead to the RIAA and MPAA knocking on your door.

You can use mencoder and k3b to prepare, prep and burn refer to their individual documentation for instructions.

Last edited by usaf_sp; 11-16-2005 at 07:33 PM.
Old 11-16-2005, 09:37 PM   #7
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Thank you moderator tkedwards for that reminder. I did not see you answer the poor OPs question either. Try to be less snide next time.
Obviously you didn't read the thread then - I was the first to answer the OP's question about converting avi's, mpg's etc. to a format that can be put on DVD. I wasn't trying to be snide or moderate but just pointing out that they are different things. If you chose to take offence to it then that's your problem, not mine, but in future try actually reading the whole thread before you respond, wether its to offer help or attack someone else.
Old 11-17-2005, 12:01 AM   #8
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Old 11-17-2005, 12:59 AM   #9
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