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Old 11-15-2003, 03:52 PM   #1
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2 Mandrake 9.2's - bootloader and lilo to blame?

So here goes again:

2 hard drives:

1st hard drive: windows xp
2nd hard drive: split 60 GB / 60 GB

A) 60 GB is set as: /; swap; /home
B) /mnt/floppy <-- Mandrake 9.2 installed

This caused so many problems about conflicting users and not being able to write to the /home directory.

So I decided to upgrade Mandrake 9.1 -> 9.2.

I still get the same errors about how there are multiple sessions interefering with my preferences and how it cannot write to my /home/ken directory. I cannot boot into KDE nor GNOME. I am using IceWM right now.

I suspect this has something to do with me installing Mandrake 9.2 into /mnt/floppy and Mandrake 9.2 must have overwritten my LILO or bootloader. where do I find these files to edit?

Old 11-15-2003, 06:12 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: PA, USA
Distribution: Mandriva Ubuntu
Posts: 98

Rep: Reputation: 15
that is a STRANGE way to partition hdb. you have your entire file subsystem under /mnt/floppy? is root then "/mnt/floppy/"? home is /mnt/floppy/home?

i would backup any important data you might have in hdb, then reinstall mandrake 9.2. during the install REPARTITION and REFORMAT each partition (expect for winblows, obviously). then "/" will be "/" not "/mnt/mouse/".

also, at the reinstall, lilo will be correctly configured as it will be seeing a typical install (as opposed to the file system under "/mnt/mouse" ).

Old 11-15-2003, 06:31 PM   #3
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Rep: Reputation: 45
Originally posted by iggy_mon
that is a STRANGE way to partition hdb. you have your entire file subsystem under /mnt/floppy? is root then "/mnt/floppy/"? home is /mnt/floppy/home?

i would backup any important data you might have in hdb, then reinstall mandrake 9.2. during the install REPARTITION and REFORMAT each partition (expect for winblows, obviously). then "/" will be "/" not "/mnt/mouse/".

also, at the reinstall, lilo will be correctly configured as it will be seeing a typical install (as opposed to the file system under "/mnt/mouse" ).

I did this under the discretion of my other post. I am a newbie when it comes to linux. They told me to mount 9.2 onto /mnt/floppy and that is what I did? Nonetheless, that advice has caused me a pain in the a$$!
Old 11-15-2003, 10:54 PM   #4
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Distribution: Mac OS X Leopard 10.6.2, Windows 2003 Server/Vista/7/XP/2000/NT/98, Ubuntux64, CentOS4.8/5.4
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Rep: Reputation: 45
well magically I got it working. here's what I did:

I couldn't log on a my user, ken, because I kept getting the error "Can't write to /home/ken/.ICEauthority". So what I did was log on as root (for some reason you could log on as root). Then I googled it .ICEauthority and this is how you fix it:

Go to console
chowner -R /home/ken
chgrp -R /home/ken

I think those were the commands.

Now I'm using Mandrake 9.2 and it's faster, indeed.


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