install 10.1 CE with your laptop connected with plain ethernet.
install kernel sources as well
For a WG511T pcmcia card, do a cvs checkout of this project:
unplug the ethernet cable
compile (as root) - there's a README buty I really did not have to tewa anything.
compiling the driver (eg executing 'make install' from the driver's directory) will create some .ko files in /lib/modules/<>/net
add them all to /etc/modprobe.preload
execute (as root)
modprobe /lib/modules/<>/net/*.ko
run mandrake control center and execute 'new connection' choosing wireless
I use wep encription and I just copied and pasted the key the key I eneterd into my router in the corresponding field - but I suggest that to start with you set up your wap w/o encription and any security - just to make it work. then add wep and restrict MACs to your own cards only.