OK its clear I send them an email.
Dear Sirs,
I bought my first computer in 1979. I tuned it myself. I could only get spare parts in the States. In Europe you couldn't get a connector.
I worked with CPM - CPM86, assemblers - 6502 processors and so on.
My first PC I bought in 1986. I started with a projekt from BYTE and build it myself. From then on I had a lot of computers and a lot of operating systems,
mostly Dos and Windows.
The first linux version I bought was a Suse 6.4. I tried it out but I didn't come far enough.
For about a year I bought a version 8.0. It installed well, but again, after some time I gave up. The documentation is too compact for a newbee ( In linux)!
In spring this year I bought a version Red Hat 9. Thanks to a lot of people at LINUXQUESTION.ORG, who took me by the hand, I got a much better understanding.
By accident, I got a version SUSE 8.2, and now the understanding from a lot of things was there.
I just bought a version Pro 9. I like the completeness of the OS, but there is one thing that does surprise me.
I see a lot of SUSE users at LINUXQUESTIONS.org but there is no SUSE forum. To my opinion it is a missed chance.
To my opinion, with some help SUSE is a great OS for newbees and the market are the newbees.
Yours Sincere,