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Old 04-09-2002, 04:59 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Van city
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 204

Rep: Reputation: 30
How about a weekly tutorial? or just a tutorial

Everyone is here to learn something new or to help out. It would be nice to
go read some tutorials......
Old 04-09-2002, 08:18 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Carson City, Nevada
Distribution: Gentoo / SuSE 9.1 Pro (both A64)
Posts: 159

Rep: Reputation: 30
Or something along the lines of non uber-geek help files. Something similar to the 'Newbie Help Files' & 'Plain English Tutorials' not to mention any websites or anything .

After you've looked at enough man pages and things, they don't bother you at all. But I remember thrashing around years ago, trying to decipher man pages and assorted docs that at first seemed to be written in a lost language or something.

man is my friend, but it didn't used to be like that. There are all kinds of helpful stuff laying around in the typical install, once you figure out where to look... or what to look for...
Old 04-09-2002, 08:30 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2000
Distribution: Debian, Red Hat, Slackware, Fedora, Ubuntu
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These are both great ideas and are already on the TODO list. Just haven't had the time to be honest. As always, some great new things are coming soon. These will both definitely be added at some point though. Thanks!



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