Also – I turned my back on
StackExchange in
all of its various flavors within a few weeks of having attempted to participate in it. Whereas I've been with
LQ for twelve years so you guys must be doing something right.
LQ is a place where I continue to find that I can:
(a) find solid technical answers to oddball technical questions; and
(b) discuss world politics, faith and religion.

Without worrying about
downvotes and other such un-social things. I frankly in all these years have never explored any of your other offerings.
And, while I'm here, I would also like to give a "shout out" to your
moderators, who tirelessly work every day to keep things civil, and who quietly succeed. I myself don't have the patience nor the temperament to play that role: my own solitary attempt to run a forum lasted about a week.

But I recognize and appreciate the effects of those who do, and who do it well. Of which you have quite a few. The end-result of all of your combined efforts is what I'm looking for and have found here: "a
very high quality topical forum web site."