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DragonSlayer48DX 03-16-2007 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by XavierP
I was going to do a new thread for this, but why does Gentoo not have a forum here? [/preemptive strike]:D

I second that strike. If it's available in LQ Downloads, it should at least have a sub-forum. :twocents:


XavierP 03-17-2007 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by dragonslayer48dx
I second that strike. If it's available in LQ Downloads, it should at least have a sub-forum. :twocents:


Bwahahahaha - fell right into my trap! Search for the question I posed jokingly and you will see why there is no forum. In fact, in this thread alone we have the 2 most asked questions.

DragonSlayer48DX 03-17-2007 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by XavierP
Bwahahahaha - fell right into my trap! Search for the question I posed jokingly and you will see why there is no forum. In fact, in this thread alone we have the 2 most asked questions.

Wow! WOW!! A moderator has blatantly and deliberately made a fool of me on an international community forum! WOW!!! :tisk:

I certainly have better ways of spending my time...

Good luck, Jeremy.


Jaqui 03-17-2007 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by dragonslayer48dx
If you visit Yahoo Member Photos, Flickr, or Webshots frequently, you'll see they're overwhelmed by users who think it's cool to constantly agitate the censors by posting and reposting objectionable content, or just like to see how long it will remain posted before it's found and removed.

I personally was a moderator at an Adult Graphic Art site, and I had to moderate the extreme gallery, where the content was very close to being illegal anywhere in the USA, for those images that crossed the fine line. You are right in that it is a huge amount of work.

for those saying that an avatar helps create individuality, look at the custom member titles and at post signatures, both do exactly the same thing.

The biggest nenfit to no avatars, this site works with lynx!! :D
well, ok, it mostly works with lynx, since lynx doesn't play nice with tables, javascript, images, flash and frames.
[ yes, the wordpress based reply box loses functions without javascript ]

XavierP 03-17-2007 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by dragonslayer48dx
Wow! WOW!! A moderator has blatantly and deliberately made a fool of me on an international community forum! WOW!!! :tisk:

Not at all. Which is why I began the comment with the word<?): bwhahahahahaha and used, in my prior post, [/preemptive strike].

Must be that dry British humour thing.... :)

jeremy 03-17-2007 03:51 PM

dragonslayer48dx, I think you've almost certainly misunderstood Ray's tone.


trickykid 03-17-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chargh
I would suggest that LQ give the ability to allow members to have avatars. I would also suggest A size limit of 100x100 pixels so there are not huge avatars that bug people with small screens.

We all have avatars though.. it's just a shame their all 0x0 pixels in size.. ah well, the site looks better without some crappy picture that most likely someone else uses on another site.. ;)

DragonSlayer48DX 03-17-2007 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by XavierP
Not at all. Which is why I began the comment with the word<?): bwhahahahahaha and used, in my prior post, [/preemptive strike].

Must be that dry British humour thing.... :)

GOTCHA! (It's an American humor thing-- LOL) :D


johngreenwood 03-19-2007 11:29 PM

Thank you Jeremy, for not allowing avatars (and also for this site).
I hate them, especially the ones which are an animated .gif flashing away in the corner of your eye whilst trying to read.

Tinkster 05-24-2007 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by dragonslayer48dx
I agree that avatars would be nice, and in some ways, useful... IF everyone followed the rules.

I'm curious. In which way would they be useful? In the
best case it will tell me that the person posting this has
poor taste (a different taste than mine), in worse cases it
will tell me about some ego problem or mental disorder, and
in the worst cases they'll be plain out to annoy others (which
arguably falls into the "ego problem or mental disorder"
category as well).


XavierP 05-25-2007 03:20 AM

We have more than a quarter of a million members on the site - in the time that I have been here, some names stand out and others don't. Having a small picture would not make a difference to me - I know, by reading their posts, who is generally knowledgeable and who knows a lot about particular subjects. The picture is an unnecessary overhead.

And we do have some members who are on dial up or otherwise slow connections - anything we can do to make their browsing experience better and quicker will always take precedence over aesthetics.

brianL 05-25-2007 04:17 AM

Avatars = Pointless Eye Candy

billymayday 05-25-2007 04:34 AM

No brian, eye candy = good (at least down here - but sexist).

I think you mean visual polution

brianL 05-25-2007 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by billymayday
No brian, eye candy = good (at least down here - but sexist).

I think you mean visual polution

Yeah, "visual pollution" is a better description. I'll remember that for future use. Thanks.

mitchell7man 05-29-2007 11:07 PM

As for myself, i think i could just copy past Ian's post.
I think avatars make sites look trashy, unofficial and unreliable... this site is clean and it brings a sense of trust and reliability... while some friends of mine (big gamers) seem to have problems at school as they visit sites where many images (sometimes avatars) call attention, and just get that site on the school's proxy, i visit this site occasionally , it does not call negative attention, looks wholesome, and it does not end up on the proxy, and i am not even nagged about it.

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