First off, please excuse my bad english, iīm german.
I run Slackware 9.1 ( now updated to 'current' ) on my old IBM Thinkpad 600E.
When I first installed the system on the laptop ( iīm running Slack on two other machines too with no X-related problems... ), i had major problems getting X to work because I donīt know the right settings for the laptops display.
The biggest problem was the screen getting extremly dark everytime i switched to a shell (ctrl-alt-F2 of F3 or F4........ ) and then switched back to X ( ctrl-alt-F7 )
This is what I did to solve the problem ( after hours of 'try and error' ):
I knew I do not have the problem with Knoppix 3.4. I have tryed this before and I knew when i boot Knoppix, it will give me a 100% working XF86Config-4 file.
So I first installed Slackware ( 9.1 ) on the old Laptop as usual.
Then i booted the laptop with Knoppix 3.4 and switched over to a shell.
I copyed the working XF86Config-4 to some place on the hd.
After doing this, I left Knoppix and booted Slackware.
I renamed the original XF86Config ( /etc/X11/XF86Config ) to XF86Config.original
Then I copyed the Knoppix XF86Config-4 to /etc/X11 and renamed it to XF86Config ( as far as i know you do not need to rename it because X will lookup for XF86Config-4 anyway, but i did and it works fine )
Thatīs all. Start X and be happy....
( even the mousewheel is working fine
Upgrading ?
Later then I updated to Slackware -current, what replaces Xfree86 with Xorg.
The configurationfile for xorg is xorg.conf ( also located in /etc/X11 )
I renamed xorg.conf to xorg.conf.original and then i renamed my XF86Config ( itīs still there after upgrading ) to xorg.conf
Thatīs it
Hope this can help a little bit.
Knoppix is always a good help when you are looking for the right settings in your configfiles