I have 2 Toshiba laptops, an N4000 and a Satalite pro 4600 both dual booting XP and FC2.
The problem I have is that I cannot get the wireless network card working under fedora on either laptop.
After much googling I have tried a few suggestions as follows:
Hi, all
I have follow your differents suggest and I have found procedure to resolve this problem
sockets detection
a) edite the file /etc/init.d/pcmcia
b) comment this line with #
if ! grep -q pcmcia /proc/devices ; then
c) and replace it with that line
if ! /sbin/lsmod | grep -q $PCIC ; then
d) save the file ( txs rivvah for this tips )
Detection pcmcia controler before networking service
a) make cd /etc/rc3.d
b) create a symblolic link with "/etc/init.d/pcmcia" befor the network
ln -s /etc/init.d/pcmcia /etc/rc3.d/S09pcmcia
c) reboot the system.
This hasn't really helped much, now eth1 is an intersil prism2 wireless card rather than an orinoco_cs, however fedora network applet insists that this is an Ethernet device so I cannot set any wireless network settings such as the SSID and WEP settings.
Any suggestions or solutions would be greatfully received.