Wifi central network ?? How..
Could someone help me out with some info and howto's.
we're trying to figure out a way to make a wifi-network..
the idea is to have several AP's , or old/little computers with wlan cards.
connect it all togetter, and have a central managed network...
i would like to have 1 server (and a backup offcoz') that does the
handeling of ip's, dns, usernames/passwds, mac-address-auth. and route the internet data..
basicly it means that i plug all the w-lan AP's into 1 hup, togetter with the server.
Does some one have a howto, or some input..
also is there a system to authenticate wlan users, agains usernames/passwd and mac adresses ?? (and block the non/false authenticated users)
Collen Blijenberg