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Linux - Wireless Networking This forum is for the discussion of wireless networking in Linux.


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Old 04-14-2005, 06:05 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
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Distribution: Fedora/Debian
Posts: 86

Rep: Reputation: 15
Wifi central network ?? How..

Could someone help me out with some info and howto's.

we're trying to figure out a way to make a wifi-network..

the idea is to have several AP's , or old/little computers with wlan cards.
connect it all togetter, and have a central managed network...

i would like to have 1 server (and a backup offcoz') that does the
handeling of ip's, dns, usernames/passwds, mac-address-auth. and route the internet data..

basicly it means that i plug all the w-lan AP's into 1 hup, togetter with the server.
Does some one have a howto, or some input..

also is there a system to authenticate wlan users, agains usernames/passwd and mac adresses ?? (and block the non/false authenticated users)

Collen Blijenberg
Old 04-15-2005, 12:37 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: UK/West Yorkshire/Huddersfield
Distribution: Fedora 7
Posts: 982

Rep: Reputation: 30
Hi Collen,

The server will act as DHCP doling out ip addresses to your clients. You need to make sure you are therefore using access points and not routers to connect. This will also act as your DNS server. I'm not sure at what point you would block MAC addresses, again this would probably have to be at the server however you'll need to investigate this more. IMHO, MAC filtering (maintaing a whitelist) is costly in terms of time and doesnt really provide sufficient security benefits.
You might want to implement the central server as a proxy and in this way remove ports that you dont want used or open those you do, depending on security levels. Users then connect to the proxy via a proxy config file or an address and port #. You could then combine this with WPA radius on your AP's which will talk to each other an use a single rotating key.
Hope this helps.


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