wifi card keeps changing channel
Hi. I have a NETGEAR MA401 pcmci wifi card in my laptop (running kubuntu 5.10), which I move around my home & use in different rooms. It was always able to connect to my wireless router without major problems in all the rooms.
Recently, however, when I take the laptop into the kitchen, it changes from using channel 11 (where I have my router set to) to channel 6, and connects to a different wireless router (which I presume one of my neighbors owns).
I do not want my wifi card to change to channel 6. I want it to stay on channel 11, so I can use the internet. I cannot use the other router because it has a password on it.
Why does my wifi card change channels like this? How can I tell it to stay on channel 11 and don't change?
Note: I have tried changing my router from channel 11 to other channels, but the problem remains the same.
Also note: I have tried to tell my card to manually change back to channel 11, using the iwconfig command, but it does not work:
$iwconfig eth1 channel 11
Error for wireles request "Set Frequncy"
SET failed on device eth1 ; Operation not supported.
Really, I just want the card to stay on the channel I tell it and not try to connect to some other access point on a different channel. Is that so much to ask?
Can anybody help me?