Good, that means your wireless card can see the network. Strange that wicd can't see it...
Well, what follows is a manual way of setting up the network. I did this successfully in Slackware, so now it detects the network automatically on boot and everything. So you can follow this if you're up to it or wait for someone with more wicd experience who may know what's up with that. It's not that hard; you just have to edit a configuration file.
Not sure but at least at one point Debian called this file /etc/network/interfaces. Slackware calls it /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf, just to give you other ideas if you can't find it.
By the way, the official Debian manual for this can be found
here, look at "The Wireless LAN Interface with WPA/WPA2", so defer to that if my suggestions don't work.
What it comes down to is adding this to the file:
allow-hotplug eth2
iface eth2 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid nameofyournetwork
wpa-psk yournetworkpassphrase
and you can comment out the entries that come before it using #'s at the beginning of the lines.
But make sure you have the wpasupplicant package installed too:
sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant
Save and close the file and run:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
And cross your fingers!