Weird card problem - DHCP returning IPv6 address
Ok, I'm working on getting one of my home machines set up with a wireless card.
I am running fedora core 2
The card is a D-Link AirPlus DWL-520+
I got the linux drivers from the card from sourceforge, as referenced to by d-link, seeing as Dlink provides no linux drivers for this card.
I installed them without problems using the guide referenced to in the provided readme file
I've got the wireless card up and running and connecting to my wireless router at home.
The problem is that when it obtains an IP address, the address is IPv6. I am normally decent a trouble shooting, but I don't even know where to start. I am not able to ping anything, but it says it's connected to the router. It also shows up on the routers client table of my router, with it's own IP address.
Any help would be much appriciated