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Old 08-06-2008, 08:48 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2008
Posts: 2

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Exclamation (Ubuntu) Avahi-Daemon errors

I have installed ubuntu hardy heron on my pc recently and have not been able to get the internet working. I have an awlh3025 by airlink. I put my settings in, i.e. passphrase, type of security (WPA), but it still doesn't work. Also after these attempts I shut my computer off and the next time I turn it back on again, it didn't start correctly and while booting it stopped and said:
"Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon avahi-daemon [FAIL]
Timeout reached while waiting for return value
Could not receive return value from daemon process."
Eventually it skips this and completes booting, however after I enter my username and password, and am logging in, a window pops up saying,
"There was an error starting the GNOME setting daemon

Some things such as themes, sounds, or background settings may not work correctly.

The last error was.

Did not receive a reply possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply. The reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

GNOME will still try to restart the settings daemon next time you log on."

if any one could help it would be greatly appreciated...
Old 08-07-2008, 08:06 PM   #2
Registered: May 2001
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Avahi ARP-spams your network looking for available resources, so probably when the network device isn't up before Avahi starts it'll fail. If you don't have local shares or printers on your network then you could configure your machine to *not* start any Avahi services on boot unless other services depend on it. The "the message bus security policy blocked the reply" warning looks interesting but I'd rather see exact and relevant log lines and errors from your dmesg, syslog, Xorg and ~/.x-session* log files. If you want to fix your Airlink first (and you should) and you don't know what driver to use check and the HOWTO at Searching LQ for AWLH3025 yields but I don't know how much help that will be. If you need help with the card I suggest you create a new thread in the Wireless Networking forum. If your title includes the words Airlink, AWLH3025 and ACX111 people can help you faster hopefully.


airlink, avahi, daemon

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