Yes, Linksys cable/dsl routers have a web interface at A log-in dialog pops up. Initially the username should be left blank and the password is "admin". Other routers also have web based interfaces but the IP address may be different. The web-based configuration interface will be the same IP as the default gateway.
I would recommend using a 32 byte random number for the preshared wpa key.
I use the random device to generate on.
> dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=32 | od -t x1 | sed -e '3d' -e 's/^.\{8\}//' -e 's/ //g' | tr '\n' '\000' ; echo
This one-liner will print out a 64 digit hexadecimal random key. Cut and paste it from the konsole output to the web interface key input field and your interface configuration. All devices will need the key, but a random key will be harder to guess than a passphrase.