Hello guys,
I am trying for 2 weeks to get the Realtek 8180 working under the new kernel (kernel.org). The driver I am using is the open-source driver from
The error messag generated after issuing the command
#insmod ieee80211_crypt-r8180.ko
is :
insmod: error inserting 'ieee80211_crypt-r8180.ko': -1 Invalid module format
When I look at the dmesg I found the following:
ieee80211_crypt_r8180: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
I have tried to use -f (to force insmod ) but that did not help.
I used the exact config2.6.10-1-686 given by Debian kernel+ suspend software.
to compiling the kernel.
Please help me get over this problem.
using ndiswrapper is not an option for me because I can not use kismet afterwords.