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Old 08-03-2004, 12:52 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Scotland
Distribution: Red Hat WhiteBox
Posts: 2

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Orinoco Gold Card on Red Hat Whitebox/Sony Vaio not working

I have recently been trying to get this card working on my laptop: a Sony Vaio from the FX series running RedHat WhiteBox.

I get a 'eth1 cannot be started error' on boot. I know that the MAC address of my wireless card is set up for use on the wireless access point I am trying to use (the admin set it up for me). The problem is I seem to not be able to get the DHCP to assign me an IP address. When I try using the 'dhclient eth1' command it returns the following:

Listening on LPF/eth1/00:02:2d:03:6d:21                          (this is the MAC of my orinoco gold card)
Sending on   LPF/eth1/00:02:2d:03:6d:21
Sending on   Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 8
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 11
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 12
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 20
DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 10
No DHCPOOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistent datatbase - sleeping.

Now, the IP of the wireless access point (an apple airport if that's any help) is obviously not but it is actually The ESSID and MAC of the access point are correct when I run ipconfig, it just seems to not be able to find/resolve the actual ip address...
i'm not sure if the hardware is installed properly or if the just needs to know some more configuration information. i will ask the admin as soon as i can if there is any more information needed to get the card to work. Does anybody have any ideas as to why this isn't working?

Old 08-03-2004, 02:35 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Scotland
Distribution: Slackware, RedHat, Debian
Posts: 12,047

Rep: Reputation: 79
Moved: This thread is more suitable in Wireless Networking and has been moved accordingly to help your thread/question get the exposure it deserves.


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