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Old 04-16-2004, 07:25 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Memphis, TN
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Question networking oddities with Orinoco card D-Link ap

I'm running Readhat 9 at the moment and have moved my computer that has an Orinoco Gold PCMCIA card in a PCI->PCMCIA adapter slot from one place to another. The original location had a D-Link DI-614+ router/ap, and my current location has a D-Link DI-514 router/ap.

I changed my ESSID and my WEP keys for the new network. I'm connecting to the AP fine. DHCP works and I get an IP address ( Then the weirdness begins. My ARP packets asking for are not responded to most of the time (but not all of the time). I get ARP requests from the AP and the other computer on the network, and I see the other computer's request to be the Master Browser for SMB (It's running Win2k). Other than that nothing, nada, nil. The once in a blue moon the router responds to my ARP, it won't reply to my DNS requests and I cannot connect to its configuration interface via HTTP ever.

Ther other PC on the network is wired and is working fine. I also have been using a iPaq on it wirelessly fine for a couple months. At first I thought it might have to do with the wuality of the connection (+/- 40%), but I added an Orinoco antenna to the card and got it up near 90% where it was at the previous location.

I'm just stumped on this one. Should I even be getting an IP if something is wrong with WEP? Why can I get a response to my DHCP request every time but not often to subsequent ARP requests?

I don't care about wiping the box clean and starting fresh since I'm looking to upgrade the box to Fedora Test2 or Gentoo anyway, so if anyone thinks that this might be somehow software/driver related let me know.


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