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Linux - Wireless Networking This forum is for the discussion of wireless networking in Linux.


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Old 12-15-2005, 01:40 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 344

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need to know how to configure Actiontec wireless card (has native linux driver)

I would like to know how I can get my wireless internet card under linux, I already installed the linux drivers (for atmel cards) for it but I dont know how to take it from there here:

my card is an Actiontec 802CAT1 and its FCC ID# is: pqp-WP221P-X

I know it can be run on linux because I saw this identical card on some other site that promoted the downloading of the drivers here is the site where I saw it:

now can someone tell me how I can configure this wireless internet card?
Old 12-17-2005, 11:57 AM   #2
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If iwconfig can see the card, then you can use it to configure it. Have a look at man iwconfig for all of the settings it can do for your card and post back if you have problems or questions.

And since you seem to be running Suse, you may be able to use Yast to configure it.


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