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planetes 11-07-2004 10:18 AM

ndiswrapper usage under Slackware current
Hi guys.. I'm having a small problem with the configuration of my wireless card on my HP ZD7000 notebook..

Here's the results..

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:90:4B:5D:48:56
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:468 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:36400 (35.5 Kb) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
Interrupt:10 Memory:d2004000-d2005fff

Notice the TX is 0 bytes.. It's acting like it's not configuring properly..

My rc.wireless.conf is:

INFO="Fill with your own settings..."
# ESSID (extended network name) : My Network, any
# NWID/Domain (cell identifier) : 89AB, 100, off
# NWID=""
# Operation mode : Ad-Hoc, Managed, Master, Repeater, Secondary, auto
# Frequency or channel : 1, 2, 3 (channel) ; 2.422G, 2.46G (frequency)
# FREQ="2.437G"
# Sensitivity (cell size + roaming speed) : 1, 2, 3 ; -70 (dBm)
# SENS=""
# Bit rate : auto, 1M, 11M
# RATE=""
# Encryption key : 4567-89AB-CD, s:password
KEY="xxxx-xxxx-23 [1] key xxxx-xxxx-f0 [2]"

Obviously I censored the Keys but they are correctly entered.. I've tried setting Mode to managed but it gives an error on the Freq or Channel settings.

/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless: wlan0 is 'Fill with your own settings...'
/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless: /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 mode auto
/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless: /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 nick yavins-moon
/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless: /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 channel 3
Error for wireless request "Set Frequency" (8B04) :
SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.
/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless: /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 key ************
/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless: /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid ucfaeroeng

As you can see it happens with auto too although not all the time..

Any idea why it's not working properly? Is the TX problem related to the latter Channel/Freq problem?

Thanks for any help guys..

david_ross 11-07-2004 10:40 AM

What type of card is it? Is it reported to work with ndiswrapper? Post the output from:

planetes 11-07-2004 11:04 AM


Originally posted by david_ross
What type of card is it? Is it reported to work with ndiswrapper? Post the output from:

Hi.. It's a broadcom based card that is included internally with most HP notebooks now.

According to the various forums I've read it works well with ndiswrapper. I suspect it has more to do with my WEP settings and such.

Here's a copy of the output from iwconfig:
lo no wireless extensions.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"ucfaeroeng" Nickname:"yavins-moon"
Mode:Auto Frequency:2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:0F:66:A1:2F:F0
Bit Rate=54 Mb/s Tx-Power:25 dBm
RTS thr=2347 B Fragment thr=2346 B
Encryption key:xxxx-xxxx-xx Security mode: restricted
Power Management: off
Link Quality:100/100 Signal level:-45 dBm Noise level:-256 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:8 Invalid misc:204289 Missed beacon:0

eth0 no wireless extensions.

Here's the output from lspci:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface(rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82865G/PE/P PCI to AGP Controller (rev 02)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI #1 (rev 02)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI #2 (rev 02)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI #3 (rev 02)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82801BA/CA/DB/EB/ER Hub interface to PCI Bridge(rev c2)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) LPC Bridge (rev 02)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) Ultra ATA 100 Storage Controller (rev 02)
00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corp. 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 02)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 0347 (reva1)
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
02:01.0 CardBus bridge: ENE Technology Inc: Unknown device 1411 (rev 02)
02:01.1 FLASH memory: ENE Technology Inc: Unknown device 0510
02:02.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB43AB21 IEEE-1394a-2000 Controller (PHY/Link)
02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94306 802.11g (rev 03)

The last line is the network card obviously..


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