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Old 08-24-2005, 07:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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ndiswrapper, FC4 Working but killing keyboard!

Hiya all,

I've been browsing these forums to aid my battle with my wireless card (SWLP-54108). I am oh so close!

First I will just share how I have got to where I am (I found this useful when I was browsing - its reassuring when you see someone else as stuck as you are sometimes).

The card uses the Texas Instruments chipset, so my firsat port of call was to try out the acx100 project (I can't post links cause of newbish status) following the howto from houseofcraig dot com. Although everything seemed to work when scanning it would never find the access point. After a day of fighting with that I decided to give up and try out ndiswrapper.

To install, I added livna to repo list and did yum install ndiswrapper. This also installed a slightly older kernel (12.6.12-1.1390_FC4) to the one I was using (12.6.12-1.1398_FC4). I assumed this was something to do with stack size (apparently FC defaults to 4k stack sizes but windows drivers require a bigger stack - thats the jist I got). Assuming that having got ndiswrapper installed I had no problems with stack size I amble on.

ndiswrapper -i Driver/TNET1130.INF
ndiswrapper -l
modprobe ndiswrapper
ndiswrapper -m
iwconfig (to check all is going well)

Everything seems to be going perfect, but then my keyboard suddenly stops working, hmm odd I think. So I reboot the machine. Configure system-config-network to use ndiswrapper, I can now associate with the access point!

but then shortly after my keyboard locks up again - hmm I think, maybe im kicking the cable or something, reboot again. I then carry on and get dhcp working (using system-config-network). Fire off kwifimanager to check my signal, hurray I have an ip and everything looks good! Keyboard locks up, damnit!

And this is the problem, there seems to be nothing wrong with the connection. All I can guess at is that there is some kind of conflict with an interrupt for the wireless card and the keyboard, I'm getting lost now though, anybody have any ideas which could help me?


(and hurrah first post and all that!)
Old 08-24-2005, 10:31 AM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: St Paul, MN
Distribution: Fedora 8, Fedora 9
Posts: 513

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I had a problem with my keyboard when I used ndiswrapper for my Netgear MA111 - when I pressed a key sometimes it would respond, sometimes it wouldn't, and sometimes it would cause 10 or 15 repeats of the character to happen.

I *think* the solution is to disable 4K stacks, but this means recompiling the kernel. An even better solution is not to use the Windows drivers in the first place....have you tried the linux-wlan-ng drivers, which are native Linux and so are a bit more stable?
Old 08-24-2005, 01:23 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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The linux-wlan-ng drivers are for the prism chipset, my card has a Texas instruments chipset. There is a project (acx100 dot sourceforge) for this chipset, but I havent had much luck with that either
Old 08-25-2005, 04:44 AM   #4
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: St Paul, MN
Distribution: Fedora 8, Fedora 9
Posts: 513

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linux-wlan-ng isn't just for the prism chipset - if you check out there's a list of supported cards, and quite a few have TI chipsets, so you may be in luck.
Old 08-25-2005, 07:10 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2005
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I never knew that, thanks for the info!

However I have solved the problem! I was suffering from the 4k stacks problem

What I did was to first uninstall ndiswrapper that I had installed via yum. I then downloaded the kernel with the 16k stacks from the linuxant website along with the development rpm too. Installed both of these and rebooted into the new kernel. I then downloaded and installed ndiswrapper from source.

This post is via the wireless link, hurrah!


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