i have had the same proplem. at home i issue the following comands and i am up and running:
sudo iwconfig eth0 essid camphor;
sudo iwconfig eth0 key XXXXXXXXXX;
sudo dhcpcd -N eth0
so at the coffee house i was just at i did :
sudo ifconfig eth0 down
to flush the ip that my home router gave me
sudo iwconfig eth0 essid any;
sudo iwconfig eth0 key off;
to clean the essid and the key from home, i assume that they are broadcasting their essid and have no key set, since i saw everyone waround me with powerbooks or winxp machines were able to just turn on and go
so the i issued
sudo ifconfig eth0 up;
sudo dhcpcd -N eth0
and then nothing....the gnome try icon seemed to report signal stregth but dhcpcd would just sit there for minutes and then time out. are there any other comands i should/could issue to probe around next time i am there. asking the employee's anything will prob get me blank stares.
its frustrating seeing window$ machines being able to do something easier then my linux box....
thanks for any help in advance