Help setting up Netgear MA111 in Fedora 11
I am new to Fedora, and I need help setting up my wireless adapter. It is a Netgear MA111 (prism2_usb chipset). I think I need linux-wlan-ng for it, but when I read the README file in the l-w-ng sources, it said I need "Configured Kernel Sources" too. Three questions, any help would be greatly appreciated:
1. Do I need linux-wlan-ng to use my adapter? (The only threads I have found about this issue are 2-3 YEARS old)
2. Is there a linux-wlan-ng .rpm available somewhere (for Fedora 11)?
3. Or will I have to compile linux-wlan-ng and the Linux kernel? (If so, could someone please help me, because while I have compiled software in the past, I have NO idea how to compile the kernel)