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Old 08-30-2004, 09:27 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Houston, TX
Distribution: RedHat 9.0
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Unhappy Enterasys Orinoco Gold Classic 802.11b PCMCIA on Compaq Armada 7400

Hello All.

I must say that being a Linux Newbie can be very frustrating. While there are plenty of good threads out there, none of them seem to address my issue completely.

I have a Compaq Armada 7400 laptop (circa 1999), onto which I have loaded several different distros of Linux, including Fedora Cores 1 and 2, Debian Woody 3.0r1 (both 2.2 and 2.4), SuSE 9.1, and now RedHat 8.0.

None of these installations seem to work with my wireless card, which is an Enterasys RoamAbout 802.11b DS card. I got this card through www DOT wardrivingworld DOT com. According to them, it is an Orinoco Gold Classic with 8.72 firmware. The FCC ID is IMRWLPCE24H.

My main problem is this: when I insert the card under almost all distros, the card will do one of these things (depending on which distro I am using)

1. Nothing
2. Beep twice, once high, once low, then nothing.
3. No beeps, but lock up the PC.
4. Beep once high, one light comes on, PC locks up.

Under Windows XP (on a different PC), the card seems to work fine.

It would seem that I have made the most progress thus far with RH 8.0 (scenario 4 above). I want to use Kismet and Airsnort, and have heard that I will need to flash my FW back down to 7.52. Could this help my other problems?

Please help!

David Young, MCSE

Old 08-30-2004, 10:38 AM   #2
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First see this link to find the good drivers:
Then if you have some problems to install drivers... tell us, I'm sure someone will help you

Old 09-08-2004, 06:42 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Houston, TX
Distribution: RedHat 9.0
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Drivers don't seem to be the problem here

Thanks Oliv', but I'm still having issues.

I have read that many distros support this card natively, so I did a little experiment. When I run Knoppix (which I know does support this card) on an IBM A31p, and the card comes up at boot time. However, when I run Knoppix on the Armada 7400, it hangs during boot if the card is inserted.

Perhaps the card (or its firmware) is not compatible with the Compaq Armada 7400?


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