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denis-it 02-21-2017 12:46 PM

Can't reach some resources when uptime became more than couple of days
Hi everyone!

I usually don't shutdown my laptop completely and prefer hibernation instead. But after day or two without shutdown or reboot I face strange networking troubles: my laptop can't receive data from some resources (,,, but some of them are working ( and, fortunately) and this completely blows my mind.

So here is some facts that I know currently:
  1. It happens without any visible reason and absolutely randomly (for me at least). I can't find any actions, applications or activity that could be the reason of this.
  2. GitHub, BitBucket, YouTube and lot more resources are not loading in my browser (it's just blank page and loading status with timeout error in the end). But some few resources are available as usual.
  3. I can't post comments on GitHub/BitBucket if I was writing it when the failure happens.
  4. I can't push/pull my changes to GitHub/BitBucket with console git client.
  5. I can't download GitHub index page with wget (it hungs on connecting state and gets timeout finally). So this isn't browser issue.
  6. Every resource opens successfully if I use Tor Browser.
  7. Ping and DNS resolving are working just fine.
  8. I tried to restart my wireless interface, to restart kernel modules and every service that can be restarted - didn't help.
  9. I even tried to kill every process (and try to wget GitHub main page after that) until my system don't halt or reboot - didn't help.
  10. Every other devices in my home (connected to my router) works just fine.
  11. Rebooting the router didn't help.
  12. If I reboot the laptop - every problems just gone for two or three days!

Some information about my config:
  • Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie), i3 windows manager.
  • Router: TL-WR340G.
  • Wi-Fi USB dongle: TL-WN725N.
  • My network is configured in /etc/network/interfaces without any GUI applications.

I tried to search for similar cases here and on other forums without success (I even don't completely understand what should I look for). This issue just killing me every couple of days so I'll provide any information to anyone who ready to help. :) I can install WireShark or other software, make screenshots or video - just let me know. You are my final hope, guys. :-) Thanks in advance!

rigor 02-22-2017 04:18 PM

Hi denis-it !

If you are using hibernation, when that works well, it can be great for picking up some activities from where you left off.

But I didn't think some time-limited things are based on timer ticks, rather on clock time passing.

So, sessions timing out, cookies expiring, perhaps connections timing out, etc., I rather think are based on the clock time that has passed, independent of whether or not you have your machine/OS hibernating; especially when you consider that what's on the other end of such things isn't hibernating, just because your machine is.

What's more, if you have a session established and as the session timeout approaches, if you were actively using your machine, you might be warned that the session was about to timeout; if instead your machine is hibernating at that time, you can't even get such a warning.

I'm not entirely sure of the details of when you are causing hibernation, but I get the impression from your post, in particular item number 3, that you might have had some sessions established with web sites, and in the midst of those sessions, you asked your machine to hibernate, then expected to continue for example, posting a comment after returning from hibernation.

If so, you might want to consider potential timeouts at various levels.

That's just as far as established sessions and connections are concerned, depending on the timings.

There might be different issues at work WRT to the other things you mentioned.


denis-it 02-26-2017 12:07 AM

Hi rigor!

Thanks for you answer!

My English is not perfect, sorry - it looks like I didn't explain the problem correctly. I mentioned hibernation just to show that I didn't shutdown or reboot my laptop for a two or three days. If I reboot it network issues just gone. I don't hibernate my machine during "git push" or comment process of course. :)

So we can forget about the hibernation completely - let's assume I just didn't shutdown/reboot/hibernate my laptop for two days. In this case it will work completely fine until something happens. I don't know what happens (and this is the main question) because I can't find any process or activity that can be the reason of the issue. But I have network issues starting from this moment. And this mysterious failure appears absolutely independently of my activity, so it can show up between I started write the comment and push "Send" button (or during any other activity).

Since my first post I've found very important detail - my tablet has completely the same issue if I didn't shutdown it for a couple of days (usually it shutdowns after ~20hrs because of low battery, so I didn't notice issues with it). Now I'm pretty sure that my router is the source of the issue, so I'll try to perform a factory reset and update the firmware.

Thanks for your help! :)

ondoho 02-26-2017 04:24 AM

that's what i thought: router! wireless!

that's where i'd take a good, long and deep look.

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