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showrun 08-10-2011 12:48 AM

Soloaris can't be poweroff
Thank you forgive my poor English,

It seems KVM can’t poweroff solairs 10 or sloalrs 11 VM.
I have created solaris 10 and 11 as usual. Everything in VM is running OK, but finally I use shell command ‘poweroff’ or ‘init 5’, the solaris VM (both 10 & 11) system could’t be poweroff but with promoting me the message: perss any key to reboot ….. ,I pressed any key in vnc client, solaris VM reboot immediately. Endless reboot loop above.
the solaris 10 & 11 from oracle iso file name :
the solaris 10 & 11 from oracle iso file

1. On my real physical machine,the solaris can be poweroff
2. On vmware ,the solaris can be poweroff
3. On my real physical machine,I have try to disbale the ACPI opiton in BOIS, then the solaris can't be poweroff,Like the problem I have described above
so ,I doubt the KVM has a little problem in ACPI

I have try the suggestion from KVM website as follows, but I can’t solve the problem.
Solaris reboot all the time on grub menu
• Run through the installer as usual
• On completion and reboot, the VM will perpetually reboot. "Stop" the VM.
• Start it up again, and immediately open a vnc console and select the Safe Boot from the options screen
• When prompted if you want to try and recover the boot block, say yes
• You should now have a Bourne terminal with your existing filesystem mounted on /a
• Run /a/usr/bin/bash (my preferred shell)
• export TERM=xterm
• vi /a/boot/grub/menu.1st (editing the bootloader on your mounted filesystem), to add "kernel/unix" to the kernel options for the non-safe-mode boot. Ex :
Config File : /a/boot/grub/menu.lst
kernel$ /platform/i86pc/multiboot -B $ZFS-BOOTFS kernel/unix

I collected the following information:
CPU model name
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3450 @ 2.67GHz
kvm -version
QEMU PC emulator version 0.12.3 (qemu-kvm-0.12.3), Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
Host kernel version
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS 2.6.32-25-server
My host kernel arch :
My Guest OS
Solaris 10 and Solaris 11,both can not shutdown
The qemu command line I have used to start the guest:
First, I used the command line as follows:
kvm -m 1024 -drive file=solaris10.img,cache=writeback -net nic -net user -nographic -vnc :1
then I try to use -no-kvm-irqchip or -no-kvm ,but the problem also appears!
Secondly, have created and run solaris 10&11 by using Virsh, still solaris can't be poweroff, the XML file content is :
<domain type='kvm'>
<type arch='i686' machine='pc-0.12'>hvm</type>
<boot dev='hd'/>
<clock offset='utc'/>
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='writeback'/>
<source file='/opt/GuestOS/solaris10.img'/>
<target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='00:0c:29:d0:36:c3'/>
<source bridge='br1'/>
<target dev='vnet0'/>
<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
<graphics type='vnc' port='5901' autoport='no' keymap='en-us'/>
<model type='vga' vram='65536' heads='1'/>
<seclabel type='dynamic' model='apparmor'>

frieza 08-10-2011 01:20 AM

probably not the answer you are looking for or expecting, but it really shouldn't matter too much, as long as the file systems (virtual or otherwise) are properly unmounted and the kernel is unloaded from memory than the system is effectively shut down, at this point powering off a real machine (or quitting a virtual machine) won't have any negative effects
yes it's not the most desirable but not gonna harm anything

showrun 08-10-2011 01:58 AM

Thank you, fireza!

Yes,the solaris VM OS has been shutdown,but the instance(or the vm process)is still alive!

In my environment, I need to support solaris sofeware poweroff like it running on real physical machine,
not use Host external command or KVM tool to destroy VM instance.

dyasny 08-10-2011 03:51 AM

qemu issues an acpi shutdown command. If the guest OS cannot support it for some reason, this is the problem of the guest OS.

showrun 08-10-2011 08:20 PM

Dear dyasny:
You said that was solaris OS problem. But I don't agree as the acpi manager of solaris work well in vmware or my physical machine.
Maybe QEMU needs a special way for solaris ACPI solution, or solaris need extra acpi driver for shutdown and finally power off. Just guess.

dyasny 08-11-2011 04:20 AM

What you say is possible, however, since Linux and Windows guests can easily shutdown under qemu-kvm, I don't see why a special implementation should be required for x86 solaris. Instead the OS should be able to support standard ACPI calls.

BTW, do you see anything when you issue a shutdown command in the guest OS logs? Maybe you're hitting some known bug?

showrun 08-11-2011 10:13 PM

To dyasny:
According to your suggestion, I have done the following operation:
1. deleted '/var/adm/messages' file all contents.
2. shutdown solaris and reboot it soon.

Then I opened '/var/adm/messages' , All the contents I can collectd as follow:

[ID 564983 daemon.error] rpcbind terminating on singal
[ID 672855 kern.notice] syncing file systems...
[ID 904073 kern.notice] done


Did I barking up file,system Error doesn't write into '/var/adm/messages'?

dyasny 08-12-2011 07:02 AM

no idea, I'm not a solaris expert, of fan. What you could do is join the linux-kvm and the qemu mailing lists and ask there, maybe the developers would have a better idea

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