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Linux - Virtualization and Cloud This forum is for the discussion of all topics relating to Linux Virtualization and Linux Cloud platforms. Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, VirtualBox, VMware, Linux-VServer and all other Linux Virtualization platforms are welcome. OpenStack, CloudStack, ownCloud, Cloud Foundry, Eucalyptus, Nimbus, OpenNebula and all other Linux Cloud platforms are welcome. Note that questions relating solely to non-Linux OS's should be asked in the General forum.


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Old 03-24-2010, 12:36 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2006
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Distribution: RedHat, SuSE, Debian
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Query regarding RHEV

1. I have assigned a project on which I have to deploy RHEV (KVM) on 2 HP blade servers, I have worked on VMware ESX already so I see this quite familiar, But i have a query like vmware esx saves its guest configuration file and virtual hdd as in vmx and vmdk format file which I can take the backup. So in RHEV what is the format of guest configuration and hdd files, how I can take the back of these files do any backup software available in market which supports its backup.

2. What will be the filesystem for saving its guest VMs in RHEV.

Thanks & Regards
Charanjit Singh
Old 03-24-2010, 05:27 AM   #2
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Hi Charanjit Singh,

I haven't worked on RHEV, but have good experience on KVM and have attend RedHat's seminar on RHEV once. Basically KVM stores the images in raw format as default and other formats like cow are present, so I presume it might be the same. Regarding the filesystem, there was no word about it during the product launch seminar (as I remember). Since RHEV is fine tuned linux kernel with KVm support, I again presume it would be EXT3.
Old 03-24-2010, 12:24 PM   #3
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It really depends on the storage you are using. Anyhow, if you are testing RHEV, there's probably a Red Hat SA working on the test setup with you. You should ask him/her about anything regarding RHEV.
Old 03-25-2010, 05:04 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by kutty_prasad View Post
Hi Charanjit Singh,

I haven't worked on RHEV, but have good experience on KVM and have attend RedHat's seminar on RHEV once. Basically KVM stores the images in raw format as default and other formats like cow are present, so I presume it might be the same. Regarding the filesystem, there was no word about it during the product launch seminar (as I remember). Since RHEV is fine tuned linux kernel with KVm support, I again presume it would be EXT3.
Thanks Prasad I will check and let you know if same thing i will find in RHEV.

Charanjit Singh
Old 03-25-2010, 03:49 PM   #5
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cj_cheema, seriously, it DOES depend on the storage type you will use, and the SA is able to help on every question you might have.
Old 03-27-2010, 02:47 PM   #6
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Hi Friends

I am back Thanks dyasny for followup, There is no SA in my team I am the sole person who will implement this project but anyway I'll keep your advice in my mind while implementing RHEV.
Well guys while exploring the KVM topic on the net I found that Wikipedia stated "By itself, KVM does not perform any emulation. Instead, a user-space program uses the /dev/kvm interface to set up the guest VM's address space, feeds it simulated I/O and maps its video display back onto the host's. At least two programs exploit KVM: a modified version of QEMU and QEMU itself since version 0.10.0." If so then in qemu official website ie, in it they have mentioned the commands to configure the vm guest, will it also work in RHEV environment because I heard that qemu also integrated with RHEV KVM and being a linux admin I don't like to work on GUI.

Old 03-29-2010, 04:06 AM   #7
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The SA should be assigned by Red Hat, not someone in your own company. Call Red Hat and ask if you don't remember who it was that installed RHEV for you.
Old 03-30-2010, 11:46 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by cj_cheema View Post
Hi Friends

I am back Thanks dyasny for followup, There is no SA in my team I am the sole person who will implement this project but anyway I'll keep your advice in my mind while implementing RHEV.
Well guys while exploring the KVM topic on the net I found that Wikipedia stated "By itself, KVM does not perform any emulation. Instead, a user-space program uses the /dev/kvm interface to set up the guest VM's address space, feeds it simulated I/O and maps its video display back onto the host's. At least two programs exploit KVM: a modified version of QEMU and QEMU itself since version 0.10.0." If so then in qemu official website ie, in it they have mentioned the commands to configure the vm guest, will it also work in RHEV environment because I heard that qemu also integrated with RHEV KVM and being a linux admin I don't like to work on GUI.

Any one else who can solve my query, dyasny If I go to Redhat so why should I post my query on it what is the need of this post as I mentioned earlier "I am the sole person not Redhat assigned engineer will implement this". I am asking for my learning perspective I want to do some home work before starting project. If you know my question's answer please assist. Or any forum reader can solve my query or share his experience on this technology are most welcome.
Old 03-30-2010, 02:05 PM   #9
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There are two ways you can do this - read all the manuals and try to get RHEV working, or you can call support and get help, if you bought the product and are entitled to support.

This is the best and most effective advice you will get on the internet forums at this point, RHEV is very new, and there aren't many people who know it well, besides the people who support it professionally, or the people who already achieved their RHCVA
Old 04-01-2010, 12:17 PM   #10
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Thanks for your advice...


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