I am trying to run QEMU + FreeDOS /DosEMU inside a OpenVZ container. While its not a wise idea to run a VM inside another VM, currently I have no other option as I need to check some old dos application (clipper/blinker) based.
This OpenVZ container is running Cent OS 5.4 32 bit and got 512 MB RAM. I tried dosemu but that doesn't work. Because it require change in mmap_min_addr in /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr. But OpenVZ is preventing me to make this change, saying Operation not permitted (even when I am logged in as root).
Therefore I tried QEMU. First it also asked to load some kernel module (kqemu) but after spending some time over Google and reading docs, I finally found a flag to disable kqemu (as again OpenVZ prevents to load kernel modules inside containers).
Currently my command is like :
qemu -nographic -no-kqemu -hda c.hd -cdrom fdbasecd.iso -boot d
This gives no error/warning, but all I get is (qemu) in shell and then no response. I had to login via other shell to kill qemu process to get on shell prompt back. If I am missing anything?
I have seen forum posts from user saying that they are running QEMU inside OpenVZ to run windows application. So it should be possible. Any clue ? Also if you can suggest any alternate (like how to get dosemu working in OpenVZ container), that will be also fine. All I want to do is running that MS Dos application on server for few days.