I'm guessing here that you are running Fedora Core 6 and have done something like the following to get the Crash-hat repo on your system...(I'm going through the same problem!)
then you will have used the resulting file to update the repo list. The file you got with "wget" has the following content:
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - CrashHat
and the problem lies in the second line, which specifies a baseurl which is specific to the release version ($releasever). The problem is that the release version in this case (again I am guessing!) is "6" for Fedora 6, and the crash-hat site doesn't have files for Fedora 6, it goes as far as 5 and stops. (Look at
http://crash.fce.vutbr.cz/crash-hat, you'll see what I mean)
To get yum going again, go into the /etc/yum.repos directory and remove the crash-hat file, and at least yum should work again.
I'm still trying to get a resolution to the overall problem, so if I get a sensible resolution, I'll post it up, but the way I'm approaching this is that if you look deeper into the site, there is an area:
which has a Fedora 6 area. I'm a bit concerned by the .../testing/live , but when I get a chance I'm going to do some investigation and see if by modifying the file above with this line, I may get it to work.