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Old 07-31-2003, 04:20 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Dublin, Ireland
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yahoo and gaim messengers

its been a bit of a saga to get all my messengers working. or not working, so I thought I'd tell the story here, and see if anyone can suggest how to proceed.

1. Yahoo messenger.
I got it working (more on this later) but now it starts up when X windows starts up. I dont want it to start up like this, I want it to start when I want it, not when X windows start. (KDE desktop) I cant see anything in auto start, and investigating the processes, it looks like it comes from something called restore.

Thoughts on that one?

2. gaim.
I downloaded version 0.66, installed and it works fine for msn. It doesnt work for yahoo, or aim. No idea why. it just sort of hangs if I try, and I get bored and cancel the attempt.

Thoughts on that one?

3. Installing Yahoo messenger to get working - A saga.
Firstly, downloading the rpm is fine and it installs ok. The problem is I needed a library called gtkhtml. yahoo kindly supply a link to a tar file, so I downloaded this. However, the configure command bombs out with
cant find gtk12-config.
after further investigation (and loss of hair) I discovered that line 1796 was
test -\ "$ac_cv_path_GTK_CONFIG" && ac_cv_path_GTK_CONFIG="gtk12-config"

should have been
test -\ "$ac_cv_path_GTK_CONFIG" && ac_cv_path_GTK_CONFIG="gtk-config"

so after that the library compiled fine after that. But wait! thats not all! running ymessenger file caused it to crash with something like gtk critical font not found. errors. changing the language seemed to help, as my LANG setting is en_IE@euro. so I changed it in a terminal window to be "en" (the american version) and it works fine. brings up something about C library font not supported, but it works ok. I've modified the ymessenger start file to include changing the LANG setting. so now it works. But it starts up when windows starts and I want to get rid of that.

so thats it. if you got this far, thanks for reading!


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