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Old 08-16-2005, 10:36 AM   #1
g-string 3
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Germany
Distribution: Sarge
Posts: 153

Rep: Reputation: 30
xvid installed successfully but xine ...

I do not want to use divx, that's why I installed xvid. I installed xvidcore 1.1beta2 from tarball successfully and wanted to watch an avi file.

But xine reports an error message problem loading the following library: divxc32.dll

How can I xine give the order to use xvid? (Is this the problem???)

There is something written in the README about symlinks but I do not understand the examples.
In /usr/local/lib/ there is a

Can anyone help me?

Voila, xvidcore is installed on your system, make sure your runtime
linker knows about the xvidcore prefix lib dir where it is
installed. And make also sure that it generates a symlink to its   
SONAME. In case it would do not take care of the symlink itself:
  # cd ${prefix}/lib
  # ls*
    ls should list at least one file   
  # ln -s

You may also add a .so link to .so.MAJOR, so that applications linked
against .so are in fact linked to .so.MAJOR and thus ensures better
binary compatibility as we take care not changing the MAJOR number
until there is an incompatible ABI change.
  # ln -s
Old 08-16-2005, 11:24 AM   #2
Andrew Benton
Senior Member
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For the symlinks, what it means is have you created a symlink called pointing at and a symlink called also pointing at
For the runtime linker, what it means is, check /usr/local/lib is in /etc/ then run /sbin/ldconfig
My experience has been that xine doesn't use xvidcore but mplayer does.
Old 08-16-2005, 11:32 AM   #3
g-string 3
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Germany
Distribution: Sarge
Posts: 153

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 30
I haven't done anything like these things yet.
I tried to search the files mentioned in the README to see what he might talk about (the author of the README).
I did read-only because I am still a neewbie to linux and I already know I should not try too much configuring and linking when I want to have something working in Linux.

Unfortunately I use SUSE9.3 and there is no mplayer under my chosen ftp server. Maybe this would solve the problem.

Can you help me understanding the symlink problem? Especially what MAJOR and MINOR do mean under this context.

Thanks for reply!


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