Well, I just updated my Xfree server (cuz I broke something in playing too deep n my old one) but now I have a little annoying problem.
I'm using Slackware so I have to type a command to start X.
The command is pretty simple : startx
before I did my Xfree update, startx was starting my Kde directly.
Now when I type startx I get a green and ugly windows manager. I suppose I assume it's the real Xfree GUI but It just too green for me, hehehe.
I already found the command I have to type in the bash in this Xfree to get my kde running (kde-session) but It's really annoying to have this green GUI controling my KDE and to see the taskbar of this Xfree Gui . And I guess it eat me twice more ressource than having just kde running.
So my question is "What I have to do/type to start my kde directly, or what can I edit to make my kde start directly when I type startx ?"
Thanx to all