This is a "fresh" netinstall of a debian , only konsole and kate textpad are from kde in a total pure xfce4 enviromant stable and there is such dcopserver(?) (lightweight IPC/RPC ... ??? bla bla bla it enables desktop applications to communicate reliably with low overhead .... ????????????????? ...what's this?It's supposed to sort all my pc gear forever!Anyway this is the error
The XKEYBOARD keymap compile (xkbcomp) reports:
Warning:Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels,but<RALT> has symbols,Ignoring extra symbols
error /home/gabrix/.Xauthority ... . error in locking authority
ermission denied
A HELP ?????
Startx fails as gabrix (ls -la -rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 30 23:28 /home/gabrix.Xauthority )(-rw------- 1 gabrix gabrix 0 May 1 00:10 /home/gabrix.Xauthority i have chenged ownership but fails to startx.