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Old 10-20-2004, 03:42 AM   #1
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xdm and multiple logins?

hello, does anyone know of how xdm starts up the X server

what i want to do is write a script, so that when a user logs in (on terminal 7, default xdm screen) the script will start the users session on a different display, then revert the term 7 xdm to the login screen to allow another user to do the same (i only have 4 users that will use the X server)
Old 10-20-2004, 03:48 AM   #2
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This may help you out
Old 10-20-2004, 05:41 AM   #3
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As I understand it, XDM is started after the x-server is already up and running.

Possibly adding an ampersand to your bootup file which is calling XDM might help: "XDM &" to free your terminal ... dunno, test won't hurt (I hope ).

Last edited by JZL240I-U; 10-20-2004 at 06:17 AM.
Old 10-20-2004, 09:44 AM   #4
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JZL240I-U : actually the role of display managers (like xdm) is to allow logins into X after X has started ..

to put it into a time-line from start to finish

1)startup scripts call xdm (startup scripts run as root)
2) xdm (requiring the X server to display a login screen) starts the X server (as root)
3) xdm sets up the screen, calls whatever programs (from configuration scripts), and displays the login box
4) the users logs in, and X kills itself (or does it?) and restarts running as the users process
5) xdm runs the session scripts (usually XSession, which in my case i modified to scripts so every user has the same script ( /usr/share/.Xrc )
6) X fully takes over

what i want is to setup a script (either /usr/share/.Xrc , or some other script that gets called when a use logs in, but before they can do anything) to startup the server for that specific user on a predefined display (or terminate and move viewing to that display) then terminate allowing for xdm to restart on terminal 7 (ctrl alt f7) so users can just press the keys so they can log in with no hassle

if all else fails tho, i can just setup xdm to start 4 displays ... but i rather not, as i want it to spawn X on certain terminals as needed

darthtux : thanks ill look into that link and see if it can help
Old 10-20-2004, 09:59 AM   #5
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I see. Misunderstanding, sorry .


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