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Old 07-26-2003, 08:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
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XawTV - Sound continues after closing XawTV


I am pretty new to Linux. I am trying to use XawTV.
I am using redhat linux 8 and my TV card is ATI TV Wonder VE.

XawTV works fine when I start it. I get both sound and pic. ^_^
But when I close XawTV, the sound of the channel I was watching continues to play.

This is what I have appended at the end of my file /etc/modules.conf

alias char-major-81 bttv
options bttv card=64 autoload=0 radio=0
post-install bttv insmod tuner type=2

I am a newbie and it is my 1st time playing around with modules. Don't quite undestand the format of the modules.conf. I just copied the above settings from a website. I was also trying to follow the instructions of the BTTV how-to found on the linux documentation project website
This how-to asks to add sound modules with
modprobe msp3400 or tea3600 or tda8425 or tda9855 or dpl3518
I don't quite unestand which one I have to add.

It would be great if anyone out there could help me to get the sound of XawTV turn off when I close the application.

Old 07-27-2003, 05:24 AM   #2
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well some cards don't play nicely, what you can do as a hacky fix is to create a shell script, or alias (which would be quicker) to manually mute the audio after XawTV quits:

xawtv && aumix -l 0

for example. so as soon as the program is closed, aumix is called and the line in is muted again. don't quote me on the aumix syntax though.
Old 07-27-2003, 06:07 AM   #3
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I'm lost as to why your using post install, I've got the ati tv wonder pci and here is what I'm using.

# bttv
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 bttv
alias char-major-81-1 btaudio
options bttv card=63 tuner=17 radio=0
options tuner debug=1
options btaudio
#options btaudio rate=32000 analog=0 digital=1
Old 10-25-2003, 11:13 AM   #4
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Sound Continues after closing XawTV

I had the same problem with redhat 8 and 9. I looked at the modules before loading, after loading and then quitting XawTV. I noticed that when I quit XawTV there was still the bttv module linked or "stacked" with the soundcore module.

I did a command rmmod -a soundcore twice and this released the bttv module from the soundcore module. So I then made a shell script to first load and run XawTv and then when exiting XawTV it would execute the second line and then the third line to release the XawTV module from the soundcore.

I call the script "run-xawtv". It is in the /usr/bin directory along with the xawtv program.

rmmod -a soundcore
rmmod -a soundcore

I think the first line is correct. (#!/urs/bin/sh) Sorry but I am not on my linux box right now... Just look in some of the other scripts to comfirn this....

Now when you hit q or type q in the terminal window, the program now works correctly.

Have fun watching TV!

MIchael von Lehe
Old 10-25-2003, 01:35 PM   #5
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from the original post by ministre


alias char-major-81 bttv
options bttv card=64 autoload=0 radio=0
post-install bttv insmod tuner type=2
I have experimented with xawtv configuration a lot and I noticed that if one does not specify the correct arguments to bttv and tuner modules, then, there may be a problem running/using xawtv. Either the colors wont come properly, or the sound is missing, or when xawtv is closed, the sound does not stop. All this happens because of specifying wrong values to arguments for bttv and tuner modules.

Just to give an example...lets take a look at Muddy's output

I'm lost as to why your using post install, I've got the ati tv wonder pci and here is what I'm using.

# bttv
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-81-0 bttv
alias char-major-81-1 btaudio
options bttv card=63 tuner=17 radio=0
options tuner debug=1
options btaudio
#options btaudio rate=32000 analog=0 digital=1
Now there is a clear difference in the values for the card=xx argument! (63 and 64)

At the end I would like to suggest ministre to use the "hit and trial method" and test all possible values for the bttv and tuner modules.

bttv card={check from 1 to 64} tuner{check from 1 to 10}

Hope this sorts out the problems...


Old 11-05-2003, 11:26 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Gainesville
Distribution: RH 7.3 and 8.0
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XawTV - Sound Continues after closing XawTV

Ok. I have read your comments and am now going to explain the situation :-)

First of all, the card= 63 is for the ati tv wonder pci. the card=64 is for the ati pc wonder ve. The original post had the correct setup. Also the tuner is correct. It works with both tuner=2 and tuner=17. I took out the card and looked at it and got the info I needed. For some reason with redhat 8 and redhat 9 the sound continues to play after the program is quit. This is because the modules bttv, videodev, i2c-algo, tuner and i2c-core are not removed automatically. So the way to get around this is to make a shell script called "run-xawtv" and put it in the /usr/bin directory. Just make a text file in this directory and give it executible permissions such as

user read write execute
group read execute
others read execute

In it you should put in the following lines...

rmmod bttv
rmmod videodev
rmmod i2c-algo-bit
rmmod tuner
rmmod i2c-core

When you now type "run-xawtv" at the command prompt the program will load and everything will work just fine. Then when you quit the program the following commands are issued and all the modules are removed. This not only stops the sound but closes up modules that are not being used! This is the quick solution. As it does not require rewriting the code of xawtv and/or finding out why xawtv has this problem with redhat 8 and 9. (Due to maybe how redhat is set up differently than vanilla LInux?)

In a previous post I used "rmmod -a soundcore" twice. This does work but I noticed that if you do it without soundcore such as "rmmod -a" twice it works also. But I also noticed that when I did this KsCD keeps popping up, ie automatically loading if it has an audio CD in it. ( I have the CD-Rom autostart feature on.) So I just made the script above and now everything runs very smoothly.

Also I put a point and click icon under start applications -> sound and video -> xawtv by making the following file called xawtv.desktop and putting it in the directory /usr/share/applications

Here is what I put in "xawtv.desktop" file:

[Desktop Entry]

I also gave it the following priveleges:

user read and write
group read
others read

This way regular users logged in can also run xawtv! Hope this helps some one...

Michael von Lehe


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