I haven't found anything on the net about this problem, but I experience it on two different machines now. The only thing the machines have in common is the software installed. Both are installed fully independently of each other, no disk imaging or so.
I am running Debian Lenny, KDE 3.5.5 and Quanta 3.5.5, kernel 3.6.18.
After a while (some days) when I want to shut down Quanta, it does not shut down but it hangs. Or I shut down succesfully, but it hangs during opening and shows the splash screen.
The reason for this behavious is that in quantarc the list of autosaved files and the list of backed up files seems to grow indefenitely. Until the quantarc file is 1 or 2 MB in size. I think Quanta chokes in such a large file. These two lists are composed on a single line.
The workaround is to delete the two lists. While starting up they don't have any significance anyway. It is very hard to do in an editor, so do the following:
cd ~/.kde/share/config
sed -i s/"List of backedup files=.*"/"List of backedup files=\n"/ quantarc
sed -i s/"List of autosaved files=.*"/"List of autosaved files=\n"/ quantarc
This will clear the list and enable Quanta to start normally again.