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Old 08-26-2003, 10:08 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 31

Rep: Reputation: 16
Angry winex: no

I've been searching all over google trying to figure this out...

I installed winex (from CVS) and counter strike, and have been gaming fairly well. However, I have not been able to use the OpenGL video mode.

After some searching, I found I didn't have (find / -name "" as root), and that it was because I most likely didn't configure correctly. However, it still dosn't exist after running (in /usr/src/wine) the bellow (as root):

make uninstall
make clean
./configure --enable-opengl32
make depend
make install

can anyone please hint as to what might be wrong?!?

I'm using the nvidia drivers for TNT2, my XFree86 config line has "nvidia", not "nv", direct rendering is enabled (checked glxinfo) and native opengl apps use hardware acceleration fine (they run much smoother than pre-drivers)...

If wineX dosn't use anymore, a different possibility of not being able to use the opengl drivers would be that I have the following line:
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 before the wine execution in my bash script, which allows wine to run with the newer glibc version (RH9).

The main reason I want to enable HW rendering for CS is because the software version lags up and over to hell with any/all alpha blending stuff, aka smoke gernades, or gunfire in "The Specialists" mod.

Just a few final related questions:
1) I use a lower resolution for CS than I do for my desktop. Sometimes, however, I move the mouse fast enough (turning around) that the mouse hits the edge of the screen, and causes it to scroll!!! Can I temporarily, or permanently, disable scrolling for X when the cursor hits the screen edge?

2) Is there a way to temporarily disable ctrl+tab from switching screens int X? when I try to check the score while crouching in game, it screws things up...

thanks for any/all repllies :-)

Last edited by MaulingMonkey; 08-26-2003 at 10:26 PM.
Old 08-26-2003, 10:36 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Chicagoland
Distribution: ArchLinux
Posts: 261

Rep: Reputation: 32
Question Not really a reply...more of a question

Sorry, I don't have an answer for you.

But I am curious how CS runs in Wine under Linux....I've only played it under Windows so far.

Old 08-26-2003, 10:46 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 31

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 16
Re: Not really a reply...more of a question

Originally posted by glenn69
Sorry, I don't have an answer for you.

But I am curious how CS runs in Wine under Linux....I've only played it under Windows so far.


Well it'll depend on your system of course, but here's my system:

RedHat 9
1.4ghz Athlon
256MB Ram

I was able to install using regular wine up to the point where CS asks for the CD key (which wouldn't accept input). Upgraded to wineX under CVS, and then that worked.

Was able to install the patches after a bit of problems finding the correct patch... as well as "The Specialists" mod.

It crashes every now and then around certain maps, and after switching maps in T.S. often I allways start out with an empty config, even after having bought stuff. Sometimes 'retry' in the console fixes, other times not.

Sound works fine even though my card is crap, havn't tried the microphone.

@640x480 under software mode, it runs fairly smooth (15fps with nearby gunfire, 30fps without), except for with smoke gernades (although setting the 'pretty' level to lowest fixes that) and T.S. gunfire (aka shotguns).

Latancy isn't bad at all: I get around 48ms using broadband to a same-city server (Seattle).

note: ./configure --with-ntpl --with-x --disable-trace --enable-opengl --disable-debug
didn't work... trying again with pthreads....
Old 08-28-2003, 02:38 AM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 31

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 16
Still hoping for some help... I've tried enabling DGA in the wine config file, and giving myself access to /dev/mem with no success...

there's no, nor opengl32.dll or anything...although from the makefile it looks like OGL support gets compiled in...

./configure --with-ntpl --with-x --disable-trace --enable-opengl --disable-debug
./configure --with-ntpl --with-x --disable-trace --enable-opengl --disable-debug --with-pthreads
./configure --enable-opengl

each with:

make uninstall && make clean
./configure ............
make depend && make && make install

any help would be really appreciated...


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