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Old 11-16-2004, 11:36 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
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Question WineX / Cedega alternative?

It seems that Linux is turning into Microsoft only on a much smaller scale...

I want Wine, WineX, whatever you call it now Cedega 4 or 4.1.1 or something like that.

I am now running Xandros Desktop OCE 2.0 and want a simple port over Trillian Pro so I can become more free of Windows XP and Norton Internet Security.

Paying Monthly for Cedega is out of the question because I am a poor-as-snot college kid that just wants to use his computer with less hassles and a prettier picture with easier to read screen!

Are there ANY Wine / WineX / Cedega clones out there that are free and stable for general use? Preferably prepackaged Debian.

I am still a long time NOOB and wanting something slightly more practical.

I just got my WIFI card setup with a post from Xandros forums and now I want to do more. Hopefully have things running well before heading off to a different educational institution.
Old 11-16-2004, 11:40 AM   #2
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It seems that Linux is turning into Microsoft only on a much smaller scale...
ooff... someone in the linux community would prefer you pay for the code they provide, and that equates the whole community to becoming more like MS?

i hear cedega is free from cvs source, you gotta compile it, though...
Old 11-16-2004, 11:44 AM   #3
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more -- you're wanting cedega so you can run trillian? are you that hooked on trillian -- have you seen gaim?

just seems like a lot of overhead to run a simple messenger client...

Old 11-16-2004, 12:18 PM   #4
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wine is free
Old 11-16-2004, 12:33 PM   #5
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Why do people act like Cedega is exspensive? 5 dollars a month? YOU DONT HAVE to pay EVERY MONTH to use the product. You download once, you have the product for life! Get it straight people! And if you think that linux is turning into MS because of a simple 5 dollar month deal, well look at SuSE, Red Hat, Lindows, Xandros, Mandrake, and all those OS's selling there products from 30-1,500 dollars! Don't be stupid, not everything is free.
Old 11-16-2004, 12:42 PM   #6
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normally i don't post my mind freely out of the general forum, but this thread is deterrioriating...

not that those distro prices are unfair -- i'm guessing that all those companies have their hands in some sort of free version for personal use... mostly they charge for enterprise products... and with that usually comes support -- that's probably why they need the money to begin with, if not to cover the cost of production.

it's healthy to support providers you enjoy. buy the retail version if you like the free product. that'll insure that there'll be a next version. not just for that product, but it continues to proove that the 'open source' --or as so many see it 'free'-- business plan works!
Old 11-16-2004, 03:53 PM   #7
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Originally posted by RHLinuxGUY
Why do people act like Cedega is exspensive? 5 dollars a month? YOU DONT HAVE to pay EVERY MONTH to use the product. You download once, you have the product for life!
I don't quite understand. $5/mo. for Cedega, yet you don't have to pay every month?!? So in a sense is it $5 to download as much as you want for $5?

On Another note... Is there a thread or page that someone could refer me to about compiling a CVS?

AND ANOTHER note... I want Trillian Pro amongst other programs b/c GAIM throws all the buddy names to the bottom of thescreen. Trillian groups all the names together automatically and when you double click on a name, you have the choice on what SN you want to use to send a message. setting up GAIM is soo much more work than I have time for. Last time I worked on GAIM setting up my buddy list, it took me hours... 1200 buddies across 5 SNs.

And Finally... I heard that WINE for Debian is unstable... Anyone know of a debian package of wine that IS STABLE?

Last edited by Slyder42; 11-18-2004 at 12:08 AM.
Old 11-16-2004, 03:57 PM   #8
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i don't know much about the rest of all that, but
1200 buddies across 5 SNs
my God man!!! try having a few less friends, i wouldn't want to mess with none of that, neither!!!
Old 11-17-2004, 04:03 AM   #9
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here is a cedega CVS howto :

but cedega is mainly for games , and crossover is mainly for programs

and trillian works well with wine
Old 11-17-2004, 07:41 AM   #10
Napalm Llama
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Try having a look at the Cedaga website - they charge $5 a month subscription. If you buy 3 month's subscription, you can download Cedaga with no additional charge and it's your to keep forever. You can then cancel the subscription if you want to.

I don't mind paying for software if it's reasonably priced - a lot of these organisations would make it free if they could - but then they wouldn't be able to keep their head above the costs, and the software disappears for everyone.

$15 is very reasonable indeed if Cedaga is all it's cracked up to be.

Even the tightest budget should be able to stretch to that, surely!
Old 11-21-2004, 09:41 PM   #11
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The 5 dollars a month you are paying for is to keep up with the updates. Believe me, from WineX 3.3.2, to Cedega 4.0, had dramatic improvements. This is not like RockNES, or some sort of console game emulator, from each update, theres always something big that has been improved, and lately, its been all about speed, and graphical issues that are being fixed. If you buy it once, you might not always have what you need to play the very latest. Unless one game is all you like. And that 5 dollars puts food on the developers table.
Old 11-21-2004, 10:41 PM   #12
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the subscription allows you to download the new version everytime they update, which has been 4 times for me since i subscribed a few months ago. The next version, which comes out Dec. 7, will run Half-Life 2 on Linux. Is this not worth a mere 5 dollars?

I got the game for free with an ATI card i bought for a Windows machine last year.. Glad to be able to run it in Linux.

Old 11-23-2004, 08:58 PM   #13
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Originally posted by RHLinuxGUY
Why do people act like Cedega is exspensive? 5 dollars a month? YOU DONT HAVE to pay EVERY MONTH to use the product. You download once, you have the product for life! Get it straight people! And if you think that linux is turning into MS because of a simple 5 dollar month deal, well look at SuSE, Red Hat, Lindows, Xandros, Mandrake, and all those OS's selling there products from 30-1,500 dollars! Don't be stupid, not everything is free.
Thats what Linux is about,
Being Free Free FREE FREE
Old 11-23-2004, 11:44 PM   #14
Registered: Jun 2004
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i had major problems with Xandros, so I am no longer using it. I have switched to SuSE 9.1!

SuSE 9.1 Rules!!!
Old 11-24-2004, 01:00 PM   #15
Napalm Llama
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Agreed, SuSE is a nice distro. But just you try compiling anything from source in the Personal edition... You can download the things you need from the SuSE RPM servers (I dislike YOU, for some reason... SuSE users won't be offended by that...) but it's still a hassle - ever wondered how they can fit a full distro onto one CD while Debian comes on 7? They leave out the facilities to install anything not neatly prepackaged in a SuSE RPM.

And I can't beleive nobody reploed to this:
Thats what Linux is about,
Being Free Free FREE FREE
Freedom of source! You really haven't been paying attention to the whole Linux philosophy, have you?

The 'freedom' part relates to you being free to do what you like with the code once you have it - as I said further up, developers often need to charge a small fee just to stay in the game.

I don't fully understand myself how all the stuff that IS free even manages to stay that way...


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