wine toolbars text unreadable -using nvidia driver
I have been using internet explorer in Suse linux for some time with no problem - runs under wine. I recently installed a new driver for my nvidiia display card which is working well in Suse 11.1 - resolution "1680x1050". However the text in the toolbars for IE and for other wine run applications has become unreadable. If I return to the generic "nv" driver with the same resolution on the monitor ("1680x1050"), the window text is rendered correctly. I presume the problem rises with wine as regular Xwindows applications are perfectly OK and look the same for both the nvidia and the generic nv drivers. I have tried installing the true type fonts in $ but this makes no difference. I have no clue as to where the fonts for the toolbars may be located as far as wine is concerned. I have a recent version of wine - 1.1.9. The nvidia driver is upsetting the text rendering in wine controls - the http files within the window are ok - just the controls not the content are unreadable. I used the same nvidia driver with suse 11.0 and wine windows rendered perfectly. The combination of 11.1, nvidia driver and wine is clearly unhappy. Any suggestions?