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Old 07-17-2003, 05:05 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
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WINE : Paint Shop Pro 8

Has anyone had any luck getting Paint Shop Pro 8 to work?

I can't even get it to install. I try and run the "setup.exe" and the InstallShield barfs out on me with the message "1611: Unable to extract file (null). The only possible thing I can think of is lack of disk space, but this is not the case.

Anyone able to help?

I am using wine20030508, I would upgrade but I have other problems which are preventing me right now.

Hope someone can help,...

Old 07-17-2003, 05:45 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2002
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Have you tried GIMP?

It has all the functionality of Paint Shop, with the exception of the browser I think. I do love that browser.
Old 07-17-2003, 05:57 PM   #3
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Yes, I have tried GIMP and it does what it does fine. But I need Paint Shop Pro. Slight differences that I can't be bothered to get used to, oh, and GIMP doesnt have any "Auto photo correct" which I run in batch over lots of my images.

Thanks for the try, but I still need PSP.
Old 07-22-2003, 02:20 AM   #4
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Psp4 at least :P
Old 09-13-2003, 01:03 AM   #5
Registered: May 2002
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I'm with ya ionstorm!

Hey Ionstorm...the past couple of days I too have been working adamantly on trying to get PSP8 working in Linux. I hate to piss people off but after learning how to use PSP...the GIMP isn't too attractive. I'd like it more if the UI wasn' nevermind I don't want to get flamed TOO badly.

Anyway, I'll let you know what I learn and if and when I'm successful. One thing I plan on doing is getting the native versions of the dll's the setup program loads from a Win98 CD using cabextract, found at

Also...PSP8 uses and InstallShield installer. I did some searches here on the forum and one thread said that InstallShield won't work unless you install dcom95.exe. I'm downloading it can get it from:

It's at the bottom of the page.

Anyway, I'll post back with whatever success I have...
Old 09-13-2003, 09:50 AM   #6
Registered: May 2002
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Hope you're reading Ionstorm...if not when I get this damn thing working I'll e-mail you everything I know. But for now if you want to know what I've succeeded at, go here:

Note that I got it to install! Just have a roadblock running it. Something with the stupid End User License Agreement file.
Old 09-13-2003, 11:57 AM   #7
Registered: May 2002
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Great news, I got it working! There's a lot more to explain, but for now, check out my screenshot:

I'm going to wipe wine clean and try the whole process over until I can figure out exactly how I got things working, to share with everyone else. Then I'll add it to WineHQ's app database.
Old 09-13-2003, 02:55 PM   #8
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It looks different from PaintShopPro 7, that's for sure. What about Photoshop, though? I suppose though, that since I'm starting to use Linux, I should just use things that are legally aquired, though.... I mean, there's so much money left over from all of the freeware available for Linux that I suppose I can splurge and buy CD's(Music, although I'd prefer buying LP's, but they are just too rare!) more often and buy software as well....
Old 09-13-2003, 05:20 PM   #9
LQ Guru
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Oh, for goodness sake, use the gimp2 or something. It's got waaaaaaaay more features than PSP.

As you can see, PSP8 has some, ah, visual issues with the GUI in Wine.
Old 09-13-2003, 06:32 PM   #10
Registered: May 2002
Distribution: Fedora Core
Posts: 41

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Ok folks, here is how I got Paint Shop Pro 8 working in Linux using Wine. I messed with it a LOT after
the first time I successfully installed it, because honestly, the first time it worked I didn't know why. :-)
So this is the result of a lot of trial and error. I set things up starting from installing Wine all the
way through running Paint Shop Pro, so hopefully it is generic enough that I didn't miss anything and it will
work for you. Note that I did this using a REAL Paint Shop Pro 8 CD. I don't know how to install the ESD
version with Wine...I haven't tried. I'm sure its feasible...

1) Install Wine-20030911 from source:
tar zxvf Wine.tar.gz
cd wine-20030911

2) Setup the config file:
Uncomment the following lines:
"Windows" = "win98"

Add the following under [DllOverrides]:
"msi" = "native"
"msiexec.exe" = "native"

Add the following to "Path" in the [wine] section:

***Of course you will need to set up your drive's, etc, on your own...***

3) Apply the default registry file that came with Wine
Registry->Import Registry File...->(select winedefault.reg file from wine source directory)

4) Make standard Windows fonts available to Wine (usually just by copying *.ttf fonts from a Windows install
to your fake Windows drive's c:\Windows\Font\ folder...). If you don't do this, Paint Shop Pro will
be really difficult to use because it will substitute some really messed up fonts in. You can always save
this step for later if you don't believe me...if you install the fonts after PSP it will work out fine.

4) Install cabextract -

5) Install Internet Explorer 6 (I used the files on the PSP8 CD for this, but you could also do
it the hard way and run the web installer, and use that to download the CAB files):

-You need to extract the needed files from the following CAB files:
IE_S5.CABto figure it out...thanks to the fact that I don't have a job and I
SCR56EN.CAB (If you use the PSP8 CD, this file is missing. See the SCR56EN.exe section below)

-To do this, start by running the following command from inside the directory the CAB files are located in:

-The following files should have been extracted:

-It is safe to delete the IE_S*.CAB files now
-Next, run the following command:
cabextract IE_1.CAB IE_2.CAB IE_3.CAB IE_4.CAB IE_5.CAB IE_6.CAB IEDOM.CAB (add SCR56EN.CAB if you have it)

-It is safe to delete the remaining CAB files
-Rename sch128c.dll to schannel.dll
-Create the directory "Internet Explorer" in "Program Files"
-Copy/Move IEXPLORE.EXE to /Program Files/Internet Explorer/
-Copy/Move all the remaining files to /Windows/System/
-Replace system.reg in ~/.wine with this one:
-Add the following lines to your Wine config file:
"urlmon" = "native"
"comctl32" = "builtin"
"wininet" = "native"
"shdocvw" = "native"
"shlwapi" = "native"
"crypt32" = "native"

6) If you didn't have SCR56EN.CAB for whatever reason, you can install it by downloading the following file:

-Install this using Wine:
wine scr56en.exe

7) Go ahead and test Internet Explorer by running /Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE with Wine.
I personally wasn't able to get to any websites with it even though it was supposed to be working, but
it doesn't matter. PSP just requires that it be installed...

8) Setup InstallShield:
wine D:/psp/instmsia.exe

9) Run the Paint Shop Pro installer:
wine D:/psp/setup.exe

The installer will more than likely hang up as soon as the progress bar reaches the end when copying files.
Don't worry! Its "normal".

10) Kill the install program somehow, I use KDE so I hit Ctrl-Alt-Esc and then click on the window with
the skull and crossbones. You want to close it some other way? Sure, just close it.

11) You need to kill the Wineserver before we can finish. Issue the following command:
killall wineserver

12) Now, run the installer again...
wine D:/psp/setup.exe

This time, it will seem to be less responsive and just over all slow. Just wait it should finish.

13) Run Paint Shop Pro!
wine Paint\ Shop\ Pro.exe

If a window comes up saying that the End User License Agreement, licence.rtf, couldn't be loaded, the
installer must not have finished. Try again, though if you ran it twice it should've worked.

I hope you've found this useful. I've already noticed a few important things that don't work correctly in
the program, specifically with floating selections and such. Hopefully either I or one of you will figure

out a workaround for things like that.



Last edited by matthurne; 09-13-2003 at 06:39 PM.
Old 09-13-2003, 06:42 PM   #11
LQ Guru
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Wow, well done. Very few people get that far with Wine.

Why the hell does a painting program require internet explorer though? Madness. Roll on Gimp (and i say that as a wine hacker!)
Old 09-14-2003, 04:10 PM   #12
Senior Member
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Originally posted by mhearn
Wow, well done. Very few people get that far with Wine.

Why the hell does a painting program require internet explorer though? Madness. Roll on Gimp (and i say that as a wine hacker!)
I believe you need IE for the file browser, but I'm not positive.....
Old 09-14-2003, 09:20 PM   #13
Registered: May 2002
Distribution: Fedora Core
Posts: 41

Rep: Reputation: 15
Not sure, but the file browser works...I'm guessing you're right. Even if the file browser doesn't use IE, the setup program won't let you install unless IE is installed.


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