Have you purchased a years subscription to CNR. Linspire uses its own one click solution to instlling software. Unfortunitly its a pay for service requireing a yearly subscription.
The application is on there CNR section of the website. Alternativly you can download wine from its website in the corrosponging poackage format that linspire uses.
Alternativly I would suggest purchasing crossover office if you intend to run windows applications. Its about $35 but its alot essier to use then wine. Alternativly if you want to play games I would suggest a 3 month subscription to cedega. Although it is a subscription it just measn you are entitled to updates during that period. When your subscrion runs out you can still use the product forever just without getting updates. With crossover you buy the product and you get updates untill the next major release coems out, i think its on 4.5 at the moment so you will get new releases until 4.6 is released. after its released you can still redownload 4.5 up to 4.6 from them forever.
If you do not have a cnr subscription I would suggestion you try another free (cost) distribution aimed at new comers, mandriva, mepis, pclinuxos are all good for new comers. Pclinuxos more then the other 2 possibly due to it having all the codecs you need installed and a shed load of applications.