I've been playing around with my gf's MP3 player lately and its one of the main reasons she hasn't completely given up windows.
This is the player I got her cheap last year. It works by plugging into the parallel port and using special drivers to upload/download music.
I decided to poke a bit and see if I could get it working in linux. I searched google and found nothing at all, so I wasn't too hopeful.
Trying wine, I was able to install the special drivers and the download manager for the thing that I got on their website, my gf confirms that the software is what she's using.
However, I can't seem to find a way to set up the parallel port properly...I read the howto about printing in wine and I understood most of it, but how to I set up the parallel port to just let wine access it with the drivers installed for that player?
Would it be a special entry in the config file? A change in dev/lpt1 or both? Any suggestions?