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Old 08-05-2003, 01:48 PM   #1
LQ Addict
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wine and parallel ports

I've been playing around with my gf's MP3 player lately and its one of the main reasons she hasn't completely given up windows.

This is the player I got her cheap last year. It works by plugging into the parallel port and using special drivers to upload/download music.

I decided to poke a bit and see if I could get it working in linux. I searched google and found nothing at all, so I wasn't too hopeful.

Trying wine, I was able to install the special drivers and the download manager for the thing that I got on their website, my gf confirms that the software is what she's using.

However, I can't seem to find a way to set up the parallel port properly...I read the howto about printing in wine and I understood most of it, but how to I set up the parallel port to just let wine access it with the drivers installed for that player?

Would it be a special entry in the config file? A change in dev/lpt1 or both? Any suggestions?
Old 08-05-2003, 02:31 PM   #2
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you can try raveMP

Note that many LPT ports can be tricky to get working with MP3 players. If in doubt, check using the software that comes with the player before trying to use 'ravemp'.
or you can just browse news from the main site and see if you can come across a solution....
really have no idea about this as i don't have a mp3 player that connects to a paralell port, and i also noticed an older post on this site that a guy had the same question, but no one responded, so this is the best i can come up with..
Old 08-05-2003, 02:37 PM   #3
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Thanks DrOzz, I'll give it a go.

Even if its a long shot, its better than NO shot

We're saving up for our wedding, so I can't spend the bucks to buy her a decent linux-supported MP3 player just so she can kick windows
Old 08-07-2003, 01:19 PM   #4
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Update...raveMP didn't work

Now my SO is saying I broke the player Apparently her volume control no longer works properly...I fail to see how that's MY fault tho as the player never even connected one way or another.

So any other suggestions would be much appreciated...

In the meantime, I've sent Pine-group an email requesting the specs so that I can either 1) play around and program an interface myself or 2) team up with someone who can.


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