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Old 02-06-2014, 12:00 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2013
Posts: 68

Rep: Reputation: 3
Question Wine 1.7.11 on Debian Sid

I have been hacking away at this on and off for several days now. There is even another thread about the topic floating around here. But I thought I would ask a more straightforward question and hopefully get someone who has some insight.

Has anyone here gotten Wine 1.7.11 (development) working on Debian Sid? By "working" I mean actually running some Windows program, not merely being able to supposedly install the package. If so, how?

I've tried installing the latest wine from Sid's repos, downloading the deb package from WineHQ itself (which nearly broke package management for me :-7 ), and tried to find wine's 32 bit architecture, since trying to run wine in 64 bit mode keeps asking for it. I have multiarch installed, but apt-get refuses to install.

Oh, and I tried just going with Playonlinux. It reports Wine crashing before even the installation begins. It crashes just after creating the folder for the app you intend to install.

Here's a similar thread on Debian's own site.

Last edited by ShaneRoach; 02-06-2014 at 12:04 AM.
Old 02-06-2014, 06:15 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by ShaneRoach View Post

Has anyone here gotten Wine 1.7.11 (development) working on Debian Sid? By "working" I mean actually running some Windows program, not merely being able to supposedly install the package. If so, how?
Do you mean you installed the wine1.7-dev package? Isn't that used for compiling wine from source code? Is that what you're trying to do?
Old 02-06-2014, 08:52 AM   #3
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A point about multiarch.
The theory with Multiarch is that you only install the 32bit libraries that you need.
unfortunately, most debian packages that require 32bit libraries seem to request a 32bit metapackage that is not compatible with multiarch.
I ran into a similar issue with a third party binary that I needed. I couldn't use their .deb because the dependencies were invalid for multiarch so I had to install from the tarball and determine the correct package dependencies and install them manually.
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Old 02-06-2014, 10:34 AM   #4
Registered: Apr 2013
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Originally Posted by jdkaye View Post
Do you mean you installed the wine1.7-dev package? Isn't that used for compiling wine from source code? Is that what you're trying to do?

It's beginning to look like that's what I need to do, but no. There are deb packages, as opposed to deb tarballs, that work with the package manager. When Wine would not function it kept looking for Wine32, so I uninstalled using package management, but then for some strange reason the package manager refused to remove wine64_unstable because "No substitute for wine". There was a work around for that in the bug tracking I was able to find to clean it all out, otherwise package management would have been stuck.

Both source and binary packages.

---------- Post added 02-06-14 at 09:35 AM ----------

Originally Posted by qlue View Post
A point about multiarch.
The theory with Multiarch is that you only install the 32bit libraries that you need.
unfortunately, most debian packages that require 32bit libraries seem to request a 32bit metapackage that is not compatible with multiarch.
I ran into a similar issue with a third party binary that I needed. I couldn't use their .deb because the dependencies were invalid for multiarch so I had to install from the tarball and determine the correct package dependencies and install them manually.
Ok, thanks. I will give that a try. It probably should have been the first thing I tried, but I am addicted to the package manager and just wanted it to work. lol


debian, install, package, sid, wine

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