Originally Posted by byran cheung
I have just installed openldap to Centos , but can not start it , would advise what is the possible reason that it can not be started ?
#rpm -qa |grep openldap
after run /etc/rc.d/init.d/slapd start
#ps -ef |grep ldap
root 32681 26643 0 22:54 pts/0 00:00:00 grep ldap
#netstat -na |grep 389
As you have been asked
MANY TIMES now, you need to PROVIDE DETAILS. You say "CentOS", but don't say what version, you post nothing about how you actually CONFIGURED LDAP, what message(s)/error(s) you see on the screen and/or in the logs, so what do you think we'll be able to tell you???
You seem to ask the same questions repeatedly, and don't answer things when asked. See your numerous threads about awstats and vsftpd, and now LDAP, which you've been asking about for two years now.
If you're not going to answer questions and provide details, there isn't much point in posting. And if you're not going to show ANY effort of your own in getting your own problems resolved, asking us to feed you every single detail is fairly rude. If that's what you're after, then PAY someone to solve your problems for you.