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Old 04-17-2005, 09:21 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2005
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Posts: 30

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Which web browser

Hi, when i was running windows I used Opera, i think i preferred it to Firefox but wouldn't mind giving firefox another bash, but i was wondering does Opera work the same under Linux? that is, does it have the same shortcuts buttons etc. If so, does it still have the same bugs? Also, if i go with Opera, is it possible to completely uninstall Mozilla? I run the risk of sounding like a newbie here i know but it seems that lots of programs rely on Mozilla, do you get problems? What are your houghts and opinions?

Cheers, oookiezooo
Old 04-17-2005, 10:26 PM   #2
Registered: Dec 2004
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Re: Which web browser

Originally posted by oookiezooo
Hi, when i was running windows I used Opera, i think i preferred it to Firefox but wouldn't mind giving firefox another bash, but i was wondering does Opera work the same under Linux? that is, does it have the same shortcuts buttons etc. If so, does it still have the same bugs? Also, if i go with Opera, is it possible to completely uninstall Mozilla? I run the risk of sounding like a newbie here i know but it seems that lots of programs rely on Mozilla, do you get problems? What are your houghts and opinions?

Cheers, oookiezooo
I don't know what bugs you are referring to, but I've tested Opera on various Linux distributions and had no troubles with it. I've also used Konqueror, Firefox 1.0.2, Mozilla 1.8 and Netscape 7.2.

Konqueror has all sorts of nice features including my favorite which is masking itself to look like another browser on a different operating system. By "mask", I mean "browser identification". So the web site or ftp site you visit will see it as something other that what it is. It's fun I think because I can't think of why you would want people to think you are on MacOS or Microsoft 2000. Konqueror comes with the K Desktop Environment which is called just KDE and you can check them out at

Firefox as you know has neat little features like blocking popups, advertisements, a restartable download window and a built-in search window. Firefox can be downloaded at

Mozilla is runs just like Netscape, can block popups like Firefox and even looks like Netscape except for the icon in the upper right which is an M. Mozilla can be downloaded at

Netscape doesn't have the search window and defaults to the Netscape search site. The one advantage that Netscape 7.2 has over the rest is security, stability and built-in Flash support. Which means you don't have to download and install Flash. Netscape 7.2 can be downloaded at

Konqueror can't be installed without the entire X-Window System window manager KDE.

Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape from their sites have nice installers that you run like this from a console window as root:

unless they are rpm's or debian packages (*.deb), then you would use the appropriate install syntax or use apt, emerge or yum depending upon the distribution you are using.

Opera also has an installer and as I stated it works fine under Linux. I don't like running Opera anymore even for another alternate web browser because it has those advertisements all over it. If you prefer it good for you, but the other browers I mentioned do what's required of a web browser without the adverts. The question for me is always, "Why use something with built-in internal spam?"

Firefox, Mozilla and Netscape have different themes you can install which is just plain awesome! And Konqueror, Firefox, Mozilla and Netscape all allow multiple tabs which saves your desktop from multiple web browser windows for each site you open if you want more than one site open at a time.

Hope this info gives you more insight in what to use.

Note: Make sure you read what dependencies each application requires before attempting to install them. Using apt, emerge or yum is the easiest way to install them, if the package is available for those install utilities.

EDIT: As for uninstalling... that would depend upon what distribution you are using.

Last edited by t3gah; 04-17-2005 at 10:36 PM.
Old 04-17-2005, 10:28 PM   #3
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I'm not sure about opera, but I don't expect that you'd find problems with other applications by removing mozilla. Unless another app needs to fire-up a browser and is configured to look for mozilla.

Try firefox, I think you'll be happy with it. Just enough features but still very lean. Also it has MANY cool and extremely functional extensions.
Old 04-17-2005, 11:23 PM   #4
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Opera works more or less the same on Linux as in Windows. As for shortcuts, they may be different especially if you use KDE because some of Operas keyboard shortcuts are the same as those for KDE, so Operas are disabled. As for uninstalling Mozilla (and maybe firefox), this depends on your distro. If you have apps compiled against Mozilla then you won't be able to uninstall it.
Old 04-18-2005, 02:10 PM   #5
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another point of consideration is whether or not you want non-free (speech, not beer) software on your box--the last time I checked, Opera was not free.

best wishes,

Old 04-18-2005, 06:57 PM   #6
Registered: Dec 2004
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Originally posted by jonaskoelker
another point of consideration is whether or not you want non-free (speech, not beer) software on your box--the last time I checked, Opera was not free.

best wishes,

You can download Opera for free.

But this just in. web browsers earlier than Mozilla 1.7.7 and Firefox 1.0.3 can be hacked!!!
Old 04-18-2005, 07:18 PM   #7
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I don't know why you would want to un-install Mozilla, I have used Opera in windows and it's OK. Firefox will do most of what Opera does including tabbed browsing, whick I think Opera actually had first. Konqueror is also good but I don't use it as my regular browser.

I say Get Opera if you want but there is no reason I can think of to un-install Mozilla. If it a HD space problem there are much larger apps your probably not using that can be un-installed.



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